Hello! Having taken a break, learned some new skills in MAX, and found flaws in the basic dimensions of the model, I've elected to do the maths and very rigorously plan out the dimensions in a jig - accurate to the millimetre. This should allow better cross referencing of dimensions. Additionally, I've figured out a way of scaling plans/drawings based on the size of individual parts and panel lines according to engineering measurements as opposed to the full length/wingspan of the aircraft, as these measurements are commonly and broadly misquoted; the wingspan of Spitfires Mk 1 through Seafire 47 (excl. extended and clipped tips) is 11.25m/36'11", NOT the commonly quoted 11.23m/36'10". Similarly the length of the Spit IX with small rudder is 9.51m, NOT 9.47m. The use of these commonly and erroneously quoted measurements found in books leads to errors which exacerbate themselves dramatically as more of the aircraft is modelled.
Having brought my new, accurately scaled model into GMAX to compare with the old one, I discovered the latter to be overscaled significantly. I've therefore decideded to press ahead with the new model, this time starting with the Griffon powered variants.
As for the two-stage Griffon nose, I'm relatively happy with how the general shape and bulges have come out. The single-stage nose can be made by removing an edge loop near the base and bringing the whole front back - the forward part of the cowl is exactly the same.
I am
extremely happy with the new wing however.
I'd also like to demonstrate how simple the needed change in geometry is in order to produce the later Mk 21 wing - up to station 21 (the removable wingtip) the airfoil and geometry are identical. All one needs to do is fit the wingtip to shape using a freeform modifier. The larger aileron was fitted to the shape of the Mk VI-VIII extended wingtip, but when it was decided to cut the wingspan back to 11.25m, the aileron was not reshaped to the classic planform and the extended tip was simply shortened and rounded off to the original span, thus the broader chord wingtip.
and then: