Charter Member
Outstanding ! Great work !
Looking very good, the better that map is, the better the finished texture will be! Yep, be careful of stretching, but from what you mentioned I think you have that covered!What's all this then?
The panel lines match up exactly!
If I had known mapping was so simple I'd have attempted it much earlier! This is just a test of course; in the final model the vertices at the top and bottom will be mapped separate so as to remove the distortion - as will it all be of a higher resolution. I am very glad with how the fuselage sides are looking however!
Looking very good, the better that map is, the better the finished texture will be! Yep, be careful of stretching, but from what you mentioned I think you have that covered!
For someone claiming not to be a texture artist you sure deliver fine work, Lythronax!!
This model looks more than excellent! Is that last screenie taken in Gmax? Am I looking at a bump map visible in Gmax? It sure looks so to me. If so, nice! How did you turn that on?