New Ships released by Stuart!


If this is the text in French you are referring to...
"merci pour ce nouveau navire pour l'opération Torch . Je pense lui faire le camouflage d'époque . Maisj 'espère ne pas avoir de problèmes comme avec les Richelieu 1943 44 : impossible de peindre les ponts en gris bleu et toute less superstructures arrières en noir . Avez vous prévu le Jean Bart dans le port de Casablanca , il était peint en jaune !"

"Thank you for this new Operation Torch ship. I plan to paint it in the camouflage scheme at the time... however, I hope I don't encounter the same problems I did with the Richelier 1943-44: it is impossible to paint the gray-blue bridges and all the superstructure behind which are in black. Have you noted the the Jean Bart in the port of Casablance is painted yellow!" If this is not the text in question... just post it and I will translate it for you...
Thank's Gaucho

Hi Gaucho
Thanks for the better translation.
My language skills are restricted to ordering beer, der bier sil vous plait, dos cervaza por favor, zvie beer bitte, dva pivo pashlusta, etc (phonetics only, don't correct me on spelling)
I am pretty sure what the problems are.
The superstructures only have 'mapped textures' on the sides. Fore and Aft are generic grey, as are any walkways.
I will have a go at 'remapping' the textures and see how Dombral goes.
By the way, I have limited skill with Paintshop Pro 7. Your work is sensational:applause:
Thanks again.
GMax FNS Jean Bart 1940 for


A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 2 Ships Add-Ons

Description: GMax rendition of the Marine National Battleship Jean Bart at Casablanca, 1940.

Jean Bart was only about 75% complete when construction was halted by her escape to Casablanca.

Jean Bart, moored in Casablanca harbour, stayed uncompleted as facilities to complete her were completely lacking. Her 90 mm and 37 mm mountings were even disembarked, and reallocated to the Casablanca harbour anti-aircraft defence, and the battleship left with only four twin 13.2 mm AA machine guns.

Model is Multi_LOD and has a new DP File.

GMax Models are included.

It is my understanding that the orange/red colours are undercoat paint, not camouflage.


To check it out, rate it or add comments, visit GMax FNS Jean Bart 1940 for
The comments you make there will appear in the posts below.
Hi Gaucho
Thanks for the better translation.
My language skills are restricted to ordering beer, der bier sil vous plait, dos cervaza por favor, zvie beer bitte, dva pivo pashlusta, etc (phonetics only, don't correct me on spelling)......

Hi Stuart,

let me help you here with the missing Italian: "due birre per favore".....:very_drunk:

Thank you for this last beauty of yours!!!

:applause: :applause: :applause:


ships opération Torch


A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 2 Ships Add-Ons

Description: GMax rendition of the Marine National Battleship Jean Bart at Casablanca, 1940.

Jean Bart was only about 75% complete when construction was halted by her escape to Casablanca.

Jean Bart, moored in Casablanca harbour, stayed uncompleted as facilities to complete her were completely lacking. Her 90 mm and 37 mm mountings were even disembarked, and reallocated to the Casablanca harbour anti-aircraft defence, and the battleship left with only four twin 13.2 mm AA machine guns.

Model is Multi_LOD and has a new DP File.

GMax Models are included.

It is my understanding that the orange/red colours are undercoat paint, not camouflage.


To check it out, rate it or add comments, visit GMax FNS Jean Bart 1940 for
The comments you make there will appear in the posts below.[/QUOTE

en effet la peinture du Jean Bart pourrait etre un undercoat mais il était bien peint en jaune à Casablanca ....!

J'ai peint le PAE Santee dans sa livrée camouflage mesure 17 qu'il portait le 5 nov 1942

Stuart French warships

Excellent models and skins !!

Après nouvelles études aprofondies je remarque que ma maquette du Jean Bart (en fait elle mesure 83mm) porte les antennes du radar français DEM de 1942 (comme le Colbert le Richelieu le Strasbourg et l'Algérie) elle représente donc bien le navire avec les superstructure peintes en jaune pour se confondre avec l'arriere plan du port .
J'ai aussi repeint les PAE de l'opération Torch en ocean grey comme les 3 autres PAE Sangamon Suwanee Chenango
Just for you Misson!

I know this ship does not belong here... but I am planning to do some for the Torch Operation... this is just a tryout...
think this type of profile can be used for texturing nicely detailed ships...
After a long hiatus since the Bismark, I thought I'd do some more ship is the first of a series...
the Ship bucket site is a very good source for initial basic drawings...
Comments, corrections, etc. welcome...
As usual available to anyone interested...

Three classes of Gmax Destroyers for CFS2 by Stuart 277!


A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 2 Ships Add-Ons

Description: GMax models of the FNS Chacal Class Destroyers for CFS2.

Two models are included, 1939 and 1944.

Models are multi load and include a new dp files.

Multi LOD models are included.



To check it out, rate it or add comments, visit GMax FNS Chacal Class DD for
The comments you make there will appear in the posts below.


Many thanks! I appreciate your work more than I can put into words. Well done! :triumphant:
I know this ship does not belong here... but I am planning to do some for the Torch Operation... this is just a tryout...
think this type of profile can be used for texturing nicely detailed ships...
After a long hiatus since the Bismark, I thought I'd do some more ship is the first of a series...
the Ship bucket site is a very good source for initial basic drawings...
Comments, corrections, etc. welcome...
As usual available to anyone interested...

Carlitos! me parece fantastico este tipo de barcos pero sobre todo detallados y con variedad de colores dentro de la piel. No entendì de donde era el recurso. Y correcciones ninguna, cual trabajo aqui fue perfecto? Un abrazo!
El recurso..


el sitio se llama Shipbucket Archive Forum...

Tiene barcos hasta del Uruguay! y de un monton de otras naciones...
Los perfiles son "primitivos" desde el punto de vista de la pintura (hechos con MS Paint) pero muy precisos en
posiciones de detalles, camuflaje naval, etc.
Tipos como Stuart usan estos perfiles (asi nomas come estan) lo cual me dio la idea de mejorarlos... para possible uso
en pieles para modelos....

English speakers,
The site is Shipbucket Archive Forum
It even has warships from Uruguay and a bunch of other nations...
The profiles are "primitive" from the painting standpoint (made with MS Paint) but they are very precise in details positioning,
disruptive naval camouflage, etc.
Guys like Stuart use these profiles (as is) in their models... which gave me the idea of improving them for possible use in
model skins...

Je suis bien sûr que tu connais ce site... donc je ne traduirai pas mes directions ou commentaires

Sono sicuro che tu sei a conoscenza di questo sito ... quindi no ce bisogno di tradure

Do you have the name of at least one of these super destroyers that had a very busy career at the Mediterranean?
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GMax FNS Guepard Class DD for CFS2


A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 2 Ships Add-Ons

Description: GMax models of the FNS Guepard Class Destroyers for CFS2.

Two models are included, 1939 and 1942.

Models are multi load and include a new dp files.

Multi LOD models are included.



To check it out, rate it or add comments, visit GMax FNS Guepard Class DD for CFS2
The comments you make there will appear in the posts below.
Got your message...

Can't wait to see it! I just finished "refinishing" the texture for the Chacal MM DD Class destroyer...
Available as usual...
Let me know how it goes with these ships... I think they are fantastic...that Shipbucket is a treasure trove of stuff...


