Next Local Legends? Guess something?

As I said, the dev's stated multiple times that development would continue after release. With that disclaimer made, and the Development Roadmap always in the public eye, expecting a "finished" product in MSFS isn't logical. It's like buying a house next to an airport and then complaining about the noise.


Can we please steer this thread back to possible Local Legends prospects? I don't want to have to close it, but if it swirls any closer to the drain, I will.

I hope this is not the trigger you meant, because regarding your previous comment, I know of an international airport whose neighborhood not only complain about the noise, but they convinced authorities to force departing aircraft to reduce power drastically and make a steep turn just after taking off :banghead:

Re Local Legends, if we're talking about Italians, I'd love to see the SIAI-Marchetti SF-260 trainer in MSFS. Sure it would look great in Air Combat USA classic colors!!
SF-260 trainer in MSFS.

SSW + Sim Coders working on it. This year I suppose (although the work has slowed down a bit).

I agree with Heywooood that my personal preference for the Italy one would have been one of the Schneider Cup racers, but the S55 is a legit choice and I support any OEM attention to vintage types, it's been one of the pleasant twists in the Msfs development saga thus far. So that leaves us to guess about Local Legends to go with WU10 and beyond. Some of the proposals raised here thus far that are mainly American in their impact are better candidates for Famous Flyers than Local Legends.

As far as I know we don't know what the regions for WU10 and beyond will be, but I could be wrong, obviously I don't read the developer blogs or else I would know that MSFS is an early access kickstarter game and not the AAA title Microsoft markets it as. I have heard rumors about Greece for WU10. That is actually a pretty tough one if we assume that the LLs will continue to be vintage civil aircraft. Not much comes to mind for Greece in that vein.

Thinking ahead, presumably they eventually will do something with Africa and then it would be a crime not to do the Sikorsky S-38 Osa's Ark and/or S-39 Spirit of Africa. If they miss the Africa opportunity they could still do the Carnauba S-38 when they get around to Brazil.

If they ever do a Canada update, there are any number of good candidates, mostly bush planes. The Fairchild FC2 and/or 71 would be my nomination, but anything from a Curtiss flying boat to a Stinson, cabin Waco or Moth, to a Norseman would make sense.

Either the American clippers or the British Short flying boats would be great subjects and you could make an argument to have them be a Local Legend for China, say, or anywhere else they flew. But I feel like those planes are too complex to build to the modest LL price point.

Either the American clippers or the British Short flying boats would be great subjects and you could make an argument

Yessir, one argument here !

But oh well, what's the use..

I'll get my coat (or is that goat..?)

No, make that i'll get my boat (hopefully really...currently bidding on a Grand Banks 49 in auction here in Holland. If i can't have nice realistic waterspray effects in MSFS i'll damn well have 'em for real ! :positive:)

Not still :/. The announcement said about 17.05, next they told about Thursday, after Thursday still no S.55. :dizzy: