Charter Member
still needs some attention, but going in the right direction I think
gibbes(0001) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr
gibbes(0002) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr
gibbes(0003) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr
You surely are jankees!!!

still needs some attention, but going in the right direction I think
gibbes(0001) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr
gibbes(0002) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr
gibbes(0003) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr
No, I am waiting for an uodate from Big Radials so that I don't have to do things twice...
PK-SAM (0005) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr
You'll flag to us when your excellent creations have been tweaked after the BR update, & released?
We are going to get a flood of epic paints once the update is released! These are beautiful, Jankees and TiAir! Especially love that RCAF bird.
Discord reports the update is in testing, with release sometime between this weekend and next week sometime, and the wing mirroring is indeed fixed.