OFF P2 Install



Can some one helpe me out here i have problems with the install
of my OFF P2, for some reason i'm doing something wrong
so for the ones that have already install this game wihout a problem
i can use your advise, and no the copy is not a corupt one i had it
from typhoon and they make it very onderstanfble that this is a good
copy this is what i have on my copy!

If i run the cd i'm getting the file: Over Flanders Fields

I klik on it im getting:
1) A folder with Extras
2) OverFlandersFieldsPhase2SkinsV1.0 (Installer)
3) OverFlandersFieldsPhase2V1.9eFinalHotfix (Installer)
4) Read Me Over Flanders Fields Phase 2 V1.0 First release (Doc File)
5) OverFlandersFieldsPhase2ReleaseV1.0 (Installer)
6) OverFlandersFieldsPhase2UpdaterV1.9 (Installer)
7) OverFlandersFieldsPhase2VidsV1.0 (Installer)

So now if i installe it on te hand of the read me step by step it gows wrong for me the game installs thats not the problem but if i want to start the game
it says it misses game files so maybe can some one in the first place tel me what is the pad to walk in the first place on the files on the cd? what installer comes first in my head im use OverFlandersFieldsPhase2ReleaseV1.0 first but on the manual there is no detailed referention on the other installers

maybe you gonna say dom ass :p but before i install it again i want to know every step that i haave to make all the other expantions i have are installed and works fine

BTW: On the extras im getting
1) Maps (Folder)
2) OFF Squadon asignments Zip File
3) MSSTDFMT Installer Zip File
4) Period_music_Pack1 Zip File

on the Maps Folder im getting 2 RAR's
Maps1 Winrar
Maps2 Winrar
Install OK: Start up not OK

I have installed the first release now and so like it says int the Read me if i start up the game it wil self initialise if i do that i leave it allone like it is requested, now i get the following:

Error setting up system paths or creating Bat File... CFS3path: C:\Program files\Microsoft Games\CFSWW1 Over Flander Fields\

Assets Path: C:\Program files\Microsoft Games\CFSWW1 Over Flander Fields\Assets

Campain Path: C:\Program files\Microsoft Games\CFSWW1 Over Flander Fields\Campains\Campain Data

Application Path: C:\Users\Kevin\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\

if i klik ok and klik on Multiplayer (thats the only thing i get in the front screen of OFF anyway) i get a pop up: OFF has not autoinstalled - try mannual installing in the work shop.

1.2) Initialising Over Flanders Fields:

To start up Over Flanders Fields - double click your newly created desktop icon.

When started for the first time, Over Flanders Fields (OFF) will initialise – you will be prompted when this happens – do not interrupt this process.

On some computers OFF does not self initialise – in this case click the WORKSHOPS button and press the large MANUAL INSTALL OFF button – do not interrupt the process.

If i want to do that i dont find a work shop button ( where do i find it?) i think if i can solve this problem that the game will work some advice?

PS: If it works what to do with the other installers and the extras contained on the CD? and if i have to do something with it in witch orther?
off2 install


I got a dvd from typhoon too, so i know what your are talking about.

Its always been my guess that when off2 was available for download, there was a self installer included, but when they went to the dvd swap, for some reason that changed. anyways, here is a link to polovskis faq site. Right there at the beggining, ( part A Read and Install) you get the install order for all the files on the dvd (except the extras).
You do not need the extras to install and run off2

just to be sure you know. cfs3 has to be patched to cfs3.1a and run at least once before you install off2.

let us know if you need a link to the patch site for cfs3

There is a section detailing how to unistall off2 if you want to start from scratch.

And, you did not mention what os you are using xp or vista or other. There are some other step for vista. Look in the sticky section of the forum.

Hopefully, this, and all the other great info on the link will get you on track.


I got a dvd from typhoon too, so i know what your are talking about.

Its always been my guess that when off2 was available for download, there was a self installer included, but when they went to the dvd swap, for some reason that changed. anyways, here is a link to polovskis faq site. Right there at the beggining, ( part A Read and Install) you get the install order for all the files on the dvd (except the extras).
You do not need the extras to install and run off2

just to be sure you know. cfs3 has to be patched to cfs3.1a and run at least once before you install off2.

let us know if you need a link to the patch site for cfs3

There is a section detailing how to unistall off2 if you want to start from scratch.

And, you did not mention what os you are using xp or vista or other. There are some other step for vista. Look in the sticky section of the forum.

Hopefully, this, and all the other great info on the link will get you on track.


i have vista! dint i say that before? :s: sorry, my bad ... i already found the site of polovski i'm on it and i hope it works out now because OFF P2 has a particular file that solves the problem with getting online with vista on CFS3 but needing first to get OFF P2 up and running, i have already installed the updates from CFS3 main game i have alsow ETO and PTO installed and CFS3 firepower

maybe i have to redo it all the way but then i uninstall everithing and do it all over and that means a lot of work after the install from the main OFF P2 installer first release i dint do anything anymore because i wanted first advise so i'm now on it i hope it works out well

I got a dvd from typhoon too, so i know what your are talking about.

Its always been my guess that when off2 was available for download, there was a self installer included, but when they went to the dvd swap, for some reason that changed. anyways, here is a link to polovskis faq site. Right there at the beggining, ( part A Read and Install) you get the install order for all the files on the dvd (except the extras).
You do not need the extras to install and run off2

just to be sure you know. cfs3 has to be patched to cfs3.1a and run at least once before you install off2.

let us know if you need a link to the patch site for cfs3

There is a section detailing how to unistall off2 if you want to start from scratch.

And, you did not mention what os you are using xp or vista or other. There are some other step for vista. Look in the sticky section of the forum.

Hopefully, this, and all the other great info on the link will get you on track.


I did what it says on the polovski site but i still cant self initialise and im not getting a workshop button, not only that now i'm getting alsow Runtime error 429 AxtiveX component
I did what it says on the polovski site but i still cant self initialise and im not getting a workshop button, not only that now i'm getting alsow Runtime error 429 AxtiveX component

Believe it or not that Runtime Error is a good thing. Everybody with Vista gets it. I'm on XP so I'm no help.

You might have to start all over . . . read the STICKY posts about installing on Vista. . . North of here . . GOOD LUCK
Basic Install for OFF Phase 2 (VISTA)

Assuming you had installed the updates and after you had run CFS3 once (after seeing the pilot sitting by the plane): CFS3UpdateEng and ACUpdate.

To do a clean reinstall, this is what I did, I would delete the Over Flanders Fields shortcut and the three folders:

1. ...\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields
2. ...\WW1Scenery
3. C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\CFSWW1 Over Flanders

Then install in this order:

1. OverFlandersFieldsPhase2ReleaseV1.0
2. OverFlandersFieldsPhase2SkinsV1.0
3. OverFlandersFieldsPhase2VidsV1.0
4. OverFlandersFieldsPhase2UpdateV1.9
5. OverFlandersFieldsPhase2V1.9eFinalHotfix

Now right-click the shortcut (Over Flanders Field) to select "Properties" to get to the tab, "Compatibility". Select the compatibility mode to run as Windows XP (Service Pack 2). This should make OFF work properly with the videos as well.

If you receive this error about the Msstdfmt.dll "0x8002801c", you must activate this module by doing this: Access the Command Prompt which should be under the "Accessories" folder (under All Programs in the Start menu). You must 'run as an adminstrator' (by right-clicking the icon) to make it work! A small box should popup. Type the following: "regsvr32.exe Msstdfmt.dll" (without quotes). Press Enter and should register.

Now OFF should work.. If you receive that runtime error "Run-time error '429'", just ignore it by clicking OK.

I hope it works for you. Take care.
Assuming you had installed the updates and after you had run CFS3 once (after seeing the pilot sitting by the plane): CFS3UpdateEng and ACUpdate.

To do a clean reinstall, this is what I did, I would delete the Over Flanders Fields shortcut and the three folders:

1. ...\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields
2. ...\WW1Scenery
3. C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\CFSWW1 Over Flanders

Then install in this order:

1. OverFlandersFieldsPhase2ReleaseV1.0
2. OverFlandersFieldsPhase2SkinsV1.0
3. OverFlandersFieldsPhase2VidsV1.0
4. OverFlandersFieldsPhase2UpdateV1.9
5. OverFlandersFieldsPhase2V1.9eFinalHotfix

Now right-click the shortcut (Over Flanders Field) to select "Properties" to get to the tab, "Compatibility". Select the compatibility mode to run as Windows XP (Service Pack 2). This should make OFF work properly with the videos as well.

If you receive this error about the Msstdfmt.dll "0x8002801c", you must activate this module by doing this: Access the Command Prompt which should be under the "Accessories" folder (under All Programs in the Start menu). You must 'run as an adminstrator' (by right-clicking the icon) to make it work! A small box should popup. Type the following: "regsvr32.exe Msstdfmt.dll" (without quotes). Press Enter and should register.

Now OFF should work.. If you receive that runtime error "Run-time error '429'", just ignore it by clicking OK.

I hope it works for you. Take care.

it dusnt work the self initialise will not run

the game asks me to do it manually
i have to klik on workshop, but im only getting the multiplayer button on the main screen
in the game files of OFF i dont find the workshop

is there anyone that knows about this problem

anyway: i run all of my games in the XP service pack2 mode but thats no go for me now i need to initialise the game first before i can run OFF P2

but i have now alsow problems with my vanilla CFS3 instal it says its corrupt and missing game folders
and flikkering like hell i play now only with my CFS3 Firepower and ETO or PTO but this isnt right, this isnt right :s

and a other thing is C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\CFSWW1 Over Flanders
Fields is not there eather
problem solved

my problem is solved on the part of Over flanders fields it works!!!!!!!!
it realy works :jump:

but no i need to solve the problem with my CFS3 vanilla i wil post a new one about that alsow on CFS3 descutions but wil it be a proble if i deinstal it for my expantions PTO ETO And Firpower and OFF or wil this be ok if i deinstall and reinstall a vanilla CFS3 thanks

the problem was run as administrator and the selfinitializer worked and now the game starts :applause:

hmmm adding some:

it dusnt work i get the same thing like my vanilla CFS3 i think i need to start over i know now how i need to start it up but i think my CFS3 vanilla is corrupt like hell i dont know what happened i dint toutch my vanilla
now the question before will it be a problem to deinstall my CFS3 vanilla for my PTO and ETO i gonna get rid of my Firepower alsow i think thats the problem and then install whome of the game again and alsow OFF P2 then the same stept i hope i sucseed this time
It is sad no go on new install

Sign :confused:
I realy made an effort to get me a clean pased install on OFF P2.
But no luck, i kicked everithing of my lappy to do this one a clean rig
no single CFS3 folder or add on was left and start
whole the thing over and what im getting is a flikkering screen in the
end on OFF P2 and alsow on my vanilla CFS3 :eek:

I installed my CFS3 + update V1.3 and 1.3a like it is said i run it ones
in a mission put my selves to the dead in the durth.

there after i restarted my rig, when it was back on duty i loged off
my virus scanning program steam apps and all of my server tools from work.

Then i worked the install of the cd that i have for OFF P2
step by step

1. OverFlandersFieldsPhase2ReleaseV1.0
2. OverFlandersFieldsPhase2SkinsV1.0
3. OverFlandersFieldsPhase2VidsV1.0
4. OverFlandersFieldsPhase2UpdateV1.9
5. OverFlandersFieldsPhase2V1.9eFinalHotfix

The self initialiser works if i run it with administrator otherization
plus i need to confirm that it wil be run on XP service pack 2 the
main tab is working the videos works alsow like you can see you
should think that it is working all fine
View attachment 70970
When i'm on the campain tab i can select everithing that need to fly
a mission not a proble there, i can do it alsow on quick mission or free flight
View attachment 70971
If i want to run the mission the cd is running and the world of WWI is building
but then the missions wont load
View attachment 70972

I think i'm gonna give this one up i need to reinstall my CFS3 again plus all my expantions
again this is realy a bummer for me and i will never go online so like neather desepointment :frown:

I just started my vanilla CFS3 without a flikkering screen, aparently it works fine.
For one reason it isnt been corrupted this time, maybe if some one knows about his
problem on the OFF P2 install is there some one that can advice me i did everything
in orther like i have to do but maybe i need to re asign a folder or something to adjust
the loading of the missions on OFF P2???
For the fun of it, i have extras on my CD MAPS1 and MAPS2 because i find out if i get in the
waypoint load out there is no map with waypoints for the missions of the campains? the regular missions if i gow via multiplayer i can klik on missions and there i can make an asignment to the single missions, nowthe thing is the main screen there is flickering but i can fly the missions without a problem so i'm wondering is ther somting missing for the campain? and alsow to stop the flickering screen, i stick by my point that i taked it every step of the way without doing something different. Anyways: i'm going to sleep now it is getting on my nerves maybe someone of you can come up with a answer for me​
I'm no expert on OFF, and I don't want to read all your details.
But here's an experience I made, that might help.
1. you can only play "Quick flight" or "Campaign" ("Missions" won't work!)

2. to play "Campaign", you must set ALL the "Regional language settings" to:
"English (USA)" - because the game operates with dates and data, written English way.

Perhaps it helps.
Forget the MISSIONS Tab even exists, it was included by mistake

olham54 is 100% correct, it's a slight difference in punctuation that does it

If possible to Translate: See the STICKY POST- OFF Tips & Cheats, just north of here. Lots of good info there

I'd suggest you start with all your Detail Sliders at 2, because OFF is much more demanding on your Lappy than CFS3 :wavey:
Forget the MISSIONS Tab even exists, it was included by mistake

olham54 is 100% correct, it's a slight difference in punctuation that does it

If possible to Translate: See the STICKY POST- OFF Tips & Cheats, just north of here. Lots of good info there

I'd suggest you start with all your Detail Sliders at 2, because OFF is much more demanding on your Lappy than CFS3 :wavey:

Hey guys you missing the point here, when you start up the game all looks well but if i go further on like on quick combat or campain or even multiplayer the world of WW1 is building yes??

thats the main problem now I GET A FREAKING :banghead: flickering screen and when im loading the campain it says no latitude or altitude if i go to the campain briefing im not getting a campain briefing map, this is not happening on the main screen on OFF but from where you take the step to move on that the CD is loading i'm only be able to play quick combat and it works fine i still have the flickering screen but i can load up the missions in quick combat but the camapain dusnt work if i go back the main screen of OFF P2 says the campain is over hmmmmm its like i'm :fishing: guys, i'm looking all the time on the sticky's but not getting an answer on the campain maps or loading up the campain missions not even find an answer on the flickering screen and the quick combat works so i'm able to play this but there is something wrong i need to fiks it thats all but i'm no wizzard that knows about game files i only know CPU programs to right server info on but thats completly different if it is explayned whell i can manage to work this out because im i fast learner :help: i keep reading i hope i bump in to something
I'm no expert on OFF, and I don't want to read all your details.
But here's an experience I made, that might help.
1. you can only play "Quick flight" or "Campaign" ("Missions" won't work!)

2. to play "Campaign", you must set ALL the "Regional language settings" to:
"English (USA)" - because the game operates with dates and data, written English way.

Perhaps it helps.

Ok ok wher do i go and change that?
by the way my quick combats work only my
campain dont works

and then that flickering screen hu :s :p
Video Performance
Makes No difference if you're running a Pentium 4 in AGP, or a Quad in Vista 64. The maximum slider setting for Terrian and Scenery is 4, some of the newest most powerful can run maxed out, but it'll look just as good on 4, plus you won't encounter any unexplainable problems down the road.
Also if you check your FPS ( Z ), it'll be higher on 4

A bit of troubleshooting you can do yourself. Firstly if things start looking strange, back off on all your sliders

If you can play Quick Flight, but NOT Campaign
Your Computer MUST think in English, however it also must be USA, UK, or South Africa. Take Heed you guys in OZ
where do i change the languige?

Forget the MISSIONS Tab, make believe it doesn't exist, Some Work, Some Don't. They were used by the Developers to test aircraft within the game.
Quick Combat is where you practice and "Hone" your skills, as you control everthing.
Campaign is meant to be real.
But it's yours, do as you wish

The Configuration accesable from desktop is CFS3 not OFF
My Computer>Drive'C'>Program Files>Microsoft Games>CFSWWI OFF> The file w/ Wrench

And where to put an end to the never ending flickering screen i keep reading :p
Hello Axenti,

well, i really do not know what to tell you.
First you say the installation does not work, and ask for help, but do not even tell which operating system with which SP (if any) you are running, let alone any other PC specs like graphic card, RAM, whatever.
Then someone tells you how to install the whole thing on XP 64 bit version (huh ?). 64 bit XP ? Vista ?
Then you say you are running Vista, and there is a thread above in the sticky where this should be explained.

And there are several help pages (Polovski's Help FAQs), and the readme provided with OFF Phase 2 - i somehow think you did not read this. The "config.exe" you have to run for adjusting "OFF" is not in the CFS3, but in the "OFF" folder - the one in the CFS3 directory adjusts CFS3.
B.t.w. did you run CFS3 once before installing OFF, and make a short test flight ? The manual tells you to do that, because this will install some directories that are needed for the OFF install, which will otherwise fail.

(b.t.w. The installation process in Vista is almost like in XP, with the exception of all those witty Microscum authorization things, so to run all as administrator etc., and some more hurdles that seem to belong to Vista, like worms to a wrotten corpse. Oops. I cannot say i really wait for anything like Windows7, but i will sure skip Vista. MS do you copy?)

If you already installed CFS3, and OFF, and it does not work, you have to uninstall all.
And i would not only uninstall it, but also remove the CFS3 and Over Flanders Fields subdirectories in the MyDocuments folder. Then go to Programs and delete the Microsoft subdirectories containing CFS3, and OFF there also - strange why an uninstall does not really uninstall eh ?

Then, if both programs have been uninstalled, and the rests removed manually, you should edit the registry to throw out those entries that were not removed by the uninstall process. Yes, it sucks, but if you use Windows, you are living in the *.dll hell, nothing really works, at least not the things you usually need for daily work.

Good luck,
Hello Axenti,

well, i really do not know what to tell you.
First you say the installation does not work, and ask for help, but do not even tell which operating system with which SP (if any) you are running, let alone any other PC specs like graphic card, RAM, whatever.
Then someone tells you how to install the whole thing on XP 64 bit version (huh ?). 64 bit XP ? Vista ?
Then you say you are running Vista, and there is a thread above in the sticky where this should be explained.

And there are several help pages (Polovski's Help FAQs), and the readme provided with OFF Phase 2 - i somehow think you did not read this. The "config.exe" you have to run for adjusting "OFF" is not in the CFS3, but in the "OFF" folder - the one in the CFS3 directory adjusts CFS3.
B.t.w. did you run CFS3 once before installing OFF, and make a short test flight ? The manual tells you to do that, because this will install some directories that are needed for the OFF install, which will otherwise fail.

(b.t.w. The installation process in Vista is almost like in XP, with the exception of all those witty Microscum authorization things, so to run all as administrator etc., and some more hurdles that seem to belong to Vista, like worms to a wrotten corpse. Oops. I cannot say i really wait for anything like Windows7, but i will sure skip Vista. MS do you copy?)

If you already installed CFS3, and OFF, and it does not work, you have to uninstall all.
And i would not only uninstall it, but also remove the CFS3 and Over Flanders Fields subdirectories in the MyDocuments folder. Then go to Programs and delete the Microsoft subdirectories containing CFS3, and OFF there also - strange why an uninstall does not really uninstall eh ?

Then, if both programs have been uninstalled, and the rests removed manually, you should edit the registry to throw out those entries that were not removed by the uninstall process. Yes, it sucks, but if you use Windows, you are living in the *.dll hell, nothing really works, at least not the things you usually need for daily work.

Good luck,

SITTINGDUCK asked me if i had xp or vista and for my knolidge i answer like so: dint i say that i have vista? my bad i having vista and more like i said so manny times in other posts :p ... The advice you give me i don that every step of the way i even did kicked of every CFS3 game folder that i had even the add ons skins that i put in to a separate folder on my uses acount no single folder was left exept on my usb flashdisk a had a backup of my rapainted spit ixc anyway: again from the top i did install again a vanilla CFS3
before the install i did turn of my virus scanning system and all my server apps from work i run the game and even crashed my plain in to the ground when i did that i started a campain flown a mission or 2 and saved it.

I restarted my rig to make sjure again put out my virus scanning system out of orther again all my server apps from work and i began to install OFF P2 from Top To Bothem like it says on the Polovski's faq site and the advise from others:

1. OverFlandersFieldsPhase2ReleaseV1.0
2. OverFlandersFieldsPhase2SkinsV1.0
3. OverFlandersFieldsPhase2VidsV1.0
4. OverFlandersFieldsPhase2UpdateV1.9
5. OverFlandersFieldsPhase2V1.9eFinalHotfix

when it was installed i put it in properties on XP serv pack 2 mode and in adminstrator i saved the settings and i run the game and selfinitialized it like the game read me said so. afther that i'm going to the program files and game folders and run the config like it was asked after that i restarted my rig again.

When it was back on i put my virus scan out of commition again my server apps from work and started the game i made a pilot and try to start up a campain when it loads on the CD im getting a flickering screen when (and i said it before) the game is initialize WWI world i get a pop up like on the picks above that the mission cant be loaded if i klick on campain and want to start it up again it says fail to set latitude.

The main game screen keeps flickering like hell but if a gow back to officers mess and klick on quick combat or missions i can free flight dogfight or play the ingame missions without a problem i did made a video with fraps even with the flickering screen on the main game tab bofore you start a mission in the game it selfes there is no flickering when i play the game runs smooth not even with stottering or something like that but still cant load out a campain game end get me of the flickering screen.

Now you say that i dont reading the stickys or the stuff on Polovski's site but if i read your reply the stuff you are advising i already don that twice and did it again on the 11 of january 2009 from scratsh one i even asked on the post bofore yours that it could be maps that there are missing and where that i can do think my rig on the american way because that alsow an advise that im getting but i dont know where to put that advice in service.

anyway these are the things that i have don so far on and if i'm correctly i don it by the words of the FAQ's stickys and the advice that i got from poeple out here but there is something missing thats for sjure

ps: if you want to know my specs its a 1.6 ghz dual cpu lappy from lenovo IBM 1 giga ram and an on board ship set for video driver: and i know every one says that it is to slow bit i'm gonna arguw on that one because every mission that i play on OFF P2 for now is running smoother then on ETO expantion there i need to rename a file to get rid of the stottering and only then ETO wil run smoother also on PTO
Flickering is because the mission is not loading.

Check these from the FAQ. By the way... I assume you already followed the
"How to Clean up your Act" section in the FAQ carefully?

Make sure you have applied the English regional setting:

"Most users who are experiencing this error are seemingly users who are using non English/US character sets i.e. European or Eastern Countries including Japan.

I suspect that this may temporarily solve this problem:

Select English Language : Navigate via Control Panel, Regional and Language Options and under Regional Options select English (United States) or English (United Kingdom) or English (South Africa)."

Q. When I try to fly I get "missions not found" or "mission failed to load" pop up every time.
A. "I had a problem that caused the "missions not found" to pop up every time I tried to fly. It wasn't the language selection and you would have to read my posts to follow along. It may have been a bad corrupted dl of the multi 16 part install. It may have also set my Norton AV to stay off for 15 minutes, restarting during the OFF install Don't know for sure, but OFF and CFS3 both work fine now.

1) "Missions not found" error

* I did a download again of the complete mod and ALL the update patches.
* I removed all copies of the OFF folders ("CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields") from my game drive, my documents, and from c:\
* Then uninstalled CFS3
* Deleted all left over folders in Programs and in the user-name\application data areas.
* Rebooted and did a MS cleanup and a registry clean
* ran defrag
* Created a Windows XP restore point
* Installed CFS3 and the 3.1 patch and 3.1a, created a pilot and flew (to check it works).
* Did another Windows XP restore point
* Turned off my Anti-Virus Program (mine is Norton AV) and set it to stay off for five hours
* Did the OFF install per instructions (See Section A) at the top of the document)
* Created and configured OFF config file

Everything is working beautifully now"
(posted by Rabu, thanks)
Granted, I'll probably be labelled as unkind, and bunch of other happy :bs:

But I'll say it again for those in the cheap seats

A 1.6 GHTZ is too Dang SLOW, nothing can be done about that Unfortunately.

Give yourself a gold star for getting this far.

But being Thick as a Brick . . just ain't gonna help

SORRY . . But that's the way the cookie crumbles :ernae: