OFF Phase 2 DVD Requests

Thank you Tollhouse and GT 182. A bit of confusion but I received a copy of Phase 2 from a "Tolhouse" from Abbington or Addington, MS..along with one that I did expect from GT 182. Regardless, thanks and I am passing the extra copy along to a fellow comrade.

lol...sittingduck (aka tollhouse bakery)

Hey,,,never fly without a cookie nearby
Have 2 Dvds

I have 2 OFF P2 Dvds ready. Anyone in USA or Canada( same postage right?)
PM me your address.
Phase 2 request

Please may I have a copy of the phase 2 DVD?

Many thanks

I can send a disk to anyone in the US or Canada well.

PM or email bodhammer @ with your address.


p.s. Thanks Typhoon!
New to OFF and would appreciate a copy of phase 2 dvd. Live NE England. Thanks in anticipation.
Thanks for the DVD Grump!

Arrived yesterday. The CFS3 arrived today... am installing now!

Andre Ming
The Old Simmer
OFF2 DVD Received

I received the DVD from Typhoon today (Friday). Everything looks good to go and I plan to install CFS3 and OFF2 over the weekend. Looking forward to flying a solid WWI sim with great anticipation.

ps. - Thanks again to Typhoon.
To Bonnie

please post were you are located so someone can help.:wavey:
Off Phase 2 DVD available here

I've got Nomsk's DVD request covered.
copy of P2

I would like a copy of phase 2.I'm in the UK in Lancashre