OFF Phase 2 DVD Requests

Hi, Richthofen
Your P2-DVD is on the way.
Follow the "installation guide" exactly; and when you want to play "Campaign", you must change your language settings to "English (USA)" in "Systemsteuerung". Cheers; Olham

Hi, Richthofen
Your P2-DVD is on the way.

Would you send one to Berlin, Germany? I'd care for the stamps, or maybe better, pay posting to you via PayPal. If you would give me a "yes", I'd send
you an e-mail with my adress.
(By the way - did you know, there was a German WW 2-ace with your name; Josef "Pips" Priller ?)
Oh Yes. That's where I found the name , in archives.
Sorry , my DVD burner is defunct at present.
Help after a major computer crash

My computer had a virus and I had to reformat my drives. However I was not able to save my downloaded files of phase 2. I was wondering if anyone would be willing to make me a copy of the pase 2 dvd. I thought I could hold out till Pase 3 but I realy miss flying WW1 aircraft. I am located in Michigan. Thank You !
i need a copy of off 2 my systom crashed and i lost mine if any one can help thank you:ernae:

A bit late to all this, sorry. I installed Phase 1 when it first came out and was impressed by the graphics (always Microsoft's strong suit) and Track IR support (how can you not love being able to look over the side of the aircraft or line up your shot with the mg's sights?:applause:). But between my computer not being up to the graphics challenge and the CFS-based flight model (always Microsoft's weak suit:barf:) I dropped it very soon thereafter.

I've brought my computer into the 21st Century now and decided to give OFF another try. Smooth framerate and extremely immersive graphics have me playing quite often (the fm is still :barf:, but what're ya gonna do?). However, I'm still on Phase 1. I've read about Phase 3 and will probably buy it when it's released, but does this offer still stand from anyone? I live in the US, near Springfield, Missouri.
I meant to post this here last night, but since I'm a COLLOSAL idiot, I posted it in the wrong thread.

So here it is in the proper one . . .

Is it too late to ask for a copy of Phase 2 off some nice helpful soul?

I think the original files I downloaded ages ago have gone the way of all flesh . . .

Cheers for your patience :).
CD copy

I'm new to this site I've seen the short movies on the Aerodrome could someone send me a copy? I'm in south Carolina thanks.
OFF Phase 2 DVD request

Hello - Been a few years since my Dad and I flew Red Baron... and we had a bunch of fun.

I just popped into the OFF site... Phase 3 looks very exciting and I will sign up for the preorder... but until Phase 3 goes live, I'd like to install phase 2. I'd be much obliged if a copy can be sent to me. I'll send snail mail contacts as requested, etc.

I have CFS3 already, and will probably pick up another copy to play over LAN... OFF being a mod (and more) of CFS3, does it support multiplayer mode? Just making sure. :)

Thanks all - William
Can I wait for phase3?

I don't think I can wait. I know it may be close to being released, Phase3, but I'm itching to fly. Could someone please set me up with a copy of phase2? I live in Minnesota USA. I have CFS3, Saitek joystick and a pretty decent pc. I can't afford Tracker IR at this time but I am ready to take to the air if someone could help me with a game disc. Thanks so much.
I'm from Hungary, and I would really apreciate it if someone could send me a copy. Thanks in advance!
Hello, Greg

Send me a PM with your adress, and I'll post a DVD with Phase2 for you.
Since I've visited the site "REFLECTED", and thinking, you might be a member of the band, I want a copy of the CD you made. Quit pro quo. Deal?

Cheers; Olham
Off p2

I meant to post this here last night, but since I'm a COLLOSAL idiot, I posted it in the wrong thread.

So here it is in the proper one . . .

Is it too late to ask for a copy of Phase 2 off some nice helpful soul?

I think the original files I downloaded ages ago have gone the way of all flesh . . .

Cheers for your patience :).

Hi BorderReiver

Send me a private message (PM) with your postal address and I shall send You a dvd with the OFF P2 files (BTW are You interested to WW2 too ?)

Cheers :ernae: and have always good flying
Cristiano "Astore" (Goshawk)
December 1, 2008
I'm an old "Wings of Glory" vet, and I'd like to get an OFF 2 DVD, please, perhaps from someone in the USA.
I'm in North Carolina, USA, and I'd be glad to Paypal someone postage fees to get the disk.
Hello all
Im looking for a coppy my self im in the USA.
Let me know and ill send my ADD.
Thanks <S>
Hi Typhoo.
Just got copy of FS3 from £4.57,Bargain.
Please explain what i do to get copy of OFF p2 on dvd

I would like a cipy of the disc while I await version 3. I thought I made a dvd but I guess not.
