OFF Phase 2 DVD Requests

I just got a back-up copy from Paul G. In New Mexico . $1.60 postage to Canada . DVD blanks are also cheap.I'll be back in the sharing loop as soon as I get my burner back working .
Just a hint to new posters, say where you are located.Santa Claus might be right next door to you
Off Phase 2 DVD available here

:applause:Copies of OFF Phase 2 DVD sent to bonnie, doublestop and Nomsk

Hi guys i just came across this Mod/Addon for CFS3 and had to go find CFS3 again LOL.

Id love to know if anyone in Australian (Im in Bendigo Victoria) Would be nice enough to rangle me down a copy :)

Phase 2 received, happy to pass copies on

Hi all,

I've just received a copy of Phase 2 (many thanks to GreggyVonBulmer :ernae:) so if anyone in the UK needs a copy please PM me your address and I'll get one off to you:jump:.

3 requests covered

Have put a copy of Phase 2 in the post to Nezza and will post copies to Redmist01 and Razor31 in the morning.:applause:

Hello Everyone I would love to have a copy of Phase 2.. I live in Berlin Germany and if anyone would help me out i would greatly appreciate it, Please contact me at by PM

Many thanks in advance :ernae:
Hi, BLUE781
As I'm in Berlin too, I will make a copy for you. PM me your post adress, and it will go on the way.

Hey, Hanimichal
Brazil shouldn't be out-of-the-world for the Americans; perhaps you contact someone from Florida or South Carolina per Private message? Don't let him alone, boys!
Cheers; Olham
Hi, I would love a copy of p2 as well and i'm in the southern USA.
Let me know if you can send one and i'll send my ADD.
Anyone able to send me a copy in New Zealand? Some kind Aussie perhaps, seeing as the only Kiwi I see on here is requesting as well?

