OFF Phase 2 DVD Requests

There was a pre-order link. The devs were going to distribute OFF themselves at first and there was (is) a pre order list. Now that all should be able to aquire it at the same time (once it is released) there is no need for it.

Anyone in US willing to shoot me off an OFF2 CD(s) or DVD with all the updates, MP patch, etc.? I would be happy to cover the cost for the time, materials, and postage via Paypal or whatever..

It appears I need:

OverFlandersFieldsPhase2ReleaseV1.0.exe (790 Mb)
OverFlandersFieldsPhase2SkinsV1.0.exe (1.01 Gb)
OverFlandersFieldsPhase2VidsV1.0.exe (530 Mb)
OverFlandersFieldsPhase2UpdateV1.9.exe (168 Mb)
OverFlandersFieldsPhase2V1.9eFinalHotfix.exe (57 Mb)
OverFlandersFieldsPhase2Multiplayer.exe (88kb)

I have been looking for a copy for almost a year now. Please se if you can get me one.

If anyone in the US needs one I will copy and send the one Duck is so graciously mailing me to do my part.. PM me.
I'm in NZ and quite happy to mail out DVD's
I posted a reply to someone a few weeks back and never got any address details.

But willing to burn an post... yes indeedy :jump:

Arrived this morning, thanks! Haven't had time to try it out yet (might need a new hard drive to fit it on!), but anyway, next time you're headed down this way I owe you a beer :ernae:
Got the OFF2 dvd today from grumpy. Thanks very much. I actually ordered OFF3 yesterday, so I would be happy to forward this copy of OFF2 to anyone who would like it. Just pm me.

Thanks again, grumpy. Didn't know the new one was going to come so soon.
... next time you're headed down this way I owe you a beer :ernae:
That's the Spirit!!! Beers shared among men, are shared amongst friends...
Throw in some flight sim combat, ye're golden!

I bet this "pay-it-forward" DVD thing for OFF2 will go on for a long time, and will serve to continue to build the community. [sound of hiccup]

from Medman69

Mr. Grumpybear:

Thank you for the copy of OFF. It arrived yesterday:ernae:
I would love one too.. I realy need the patches v1.9 v1.9e the game just freezes on exit, I believe these fixes will do it ? I cant find them anyware. any ideas. thanks
I would love one too.. I realy need the patches v1.9 v1.9e the game just freezes on exit, I believe these fixes will do it ? I cant find them anyware. any ideas. thanks

By "Game Freezes on Exit" do you mean that when you hit "Officer's Mess" it goes to desktop and stays there?
Ye it doesnt go to desk top it locks up and stays on the off screen, all I can do is restart my computer.. so its not just me.
I believe you have the HOE bug which fixed in one of the patches for P2.
Who ever sent you your disk should have sent those files .
Hi CountZero

Send me a PM with your mail address and I shall send Ypou a copy of OFF P2

Cheers:ernae: and have always good flying
Cristiano "Astore"
Files sent to Llamaman

DVD of the installation files and patches sent to Llamaman yesterday.