OFF Phase 2 DVD Requests

to miodrag

Hi, there's no way to download Phase 2. You have to get a dvd if you want to try it. I'm in france. Send me a pm with your adress and I will send you Phase 2 dvd back.
Thanks a lot. My friend have one copy, and he give me. Thanks anyway. :friday:
just reinstalled os need phase 1 and or 2 dvd or dl

only played pacific and korean mods how do i get off( er.. ah nvmnd)
1 or 2 , i just wanna fly a zepplin

only played pacific and korean mods how do i get off( er.. ah nvmnd)
1 or 2 , i just wanna fly a zepplin


i am in boston mass, if you are far away, you may want to wait for someone closer, but i will send a dvd anywhere.

so if you want one from me, pm me your address.

Ok. it appears my copy of OFF2 may not be on the up and and up per Skywolf. Can I get a copy of OFF 2, or at least the Sopwith Struttter (both variants). I ASSumed the copy sent to me was OK. Please advise help or ????.


Ok. it appears my copy of OFF2 may not be on the up and and up per Skywolf. Can I get a copy of OFF 2, or at least the Sopwith Struttter (both variants). I ASSumed the copy sent to me was OK. Please advise help or ????.



took off2 off my computer, so cant check to see exactly what strutters are in the a/c folder, but, if you need a copy of the stock off2 install, pm me your address, and i can get one to you. But if there is an aircraft not on this dvd, then it is a download, as this is what everyone had used for off2.


Thanks duck! I received the dvd a few days ago and look forward to installing it soon. Quick question - will the install write over CFS3 so that it is unusable as CFS3? Will I need multiple installs?
OT: The reason I used the P61 avatar - I just have to share this.

I have a Marine helmet (not a flight helmet) that has the P-61 Black Widow logo on it. I wish I knew the history behind it, but it did not come from anyone in my family. It's kinda cool to have something like that though.
Lethe, you will still have CFS3. You can also install the Korea Pack and The Mediteranian Air War (MAW). They all become stand alones. I believe there is also a Solomon Island pack as well. Do not know where to find it. And to think that people say there are no addons for CFS3.

You can find Korean Skies and PTO Solomon Islands here..........
Mediterranean Air War is here..........
European Theater of Operations is here...........
OFF Phase 2 is not available for download any longer, but it is available if you ask for someone to send a DVD.
If you have a slow internet connection and aren't able to download within a reasonable amount of time, I could send them all to you on DVD.

Got the P2 Disk

Thanks GB I will load and test this out this weekend. Got the P3 disk also; it's installed and I'm in heaven. I can't wait to compare the two and see the growth of this project.
To Outcastt

you know you cant have P2 and P3 on you pc at the same time.
I would install P2 first , play it a while then install P3. Big difference.

Cheers GB
1 more

I have 1 more Dvd of P2. PM me if anyone in USA wants it.
Thank you for the offer Grumpy Bear. Sitting Duck has already posted one for me. For those who have not tried OFF, I suggest you do. Take him up on his generous offer. :applause:

Requesting off phase 2

I was wondering if anyone could possibly e-mail me the files for off phase two rather than sending a dvd
my email is


Large email files will usually bounce, an easy way to send me the files would be to go to type in my email in the box and select the files then send them. This website is very easy to use as I tried it earlier. It sends the recipient a link to a secure server containing the files.The only problem is you will have to send multiple e-mails because the limit is 1gb.\
thx for the help
IMO a DVD is your best bet by far. Less chance of getting corrupted files. OFF Phase 2 is a fickle lady. I downloaded it using dialup (took a month) and when I was finished, the files were corrupted. Had to get a DVD anyway. If you're in the States, I could have you a DVD in the mail tomorrow. Even if you're not I can still do it. I can guarantee that the files I send on DVD will be correct. Just speaking from experience. Shoot me a pm if you want a DVD.
