old CS F-104 in FSX

:isadizzy::isadizzy::isadizzy: No mods to the aircraft cfg.. All I did was substitute the smoke effect, and this is what it looks like. More than a little off-center. The thin, whispy stock effect was in the same spot. Any ideas how to fix it? Here's the entry in my cfg:

smoke.0 = 0, -31, 0, cs104_smoke

Just reverse the first two numbers.
Your smoke entry then becomes "smoke.0 = -31, 0, 0, cs104_smoke"

I added the alphasim sound just for that J79 howell lol, has anyone got the two seater VC working or is it just me that its not working for, the single one works fine??
I changed the burner effect for the Alphasim one.
Much more chocolatey.....

light.13 = 9, -18.30, 0.00, 1.20, fx_Alpha_F104_AB,

Nice to see almost everything works in FSX. Here is a fix I worked out and some tips:

1) Solid Canopy glass fix
In Acceleration, the canopy glass becomes solid grey in outside views when switching on lights at dusk/night. This is caused by the alpha channel in one of the shared textures: F-104G-0_T.bmp.
BTW: I am using an NVidia video card, not sure this applies to ATI users.

Feel free to dowload a fixed version here

If you use the FS2004 folder layout, the fixed bitmap file should go into every texture folder.

2) Moving shared textures saves diskspace
I rearranged my textures the FSX way, which saves a lot of diskspace. This is how it works:

a) Move the following shared textures to a new folder named "texture.shared" :


BTW: These textures can be found also in the FS2004 folder \Flight Simulator 9\Captain_Sim\104\never_modify.

b) Delete the shared textures from their original texture folders, leaving only these 2 unique textures:

The single seater:

And for the2 seater:

c) To every original texture folder, add the other file I included in the ZIP above: texture.cfg (this contains the aliasing path to the shared texture folder)

d) Optional: To every original texture folder, you can add a thumbnail.jpg picture which you can manufacture yourself from e.g. a screenshot. This then becomes the little picture that shows in the Aircraft Selection screen.
BTW: The stock FS2004 CS F- 104 installation has usefull JPEG's stored in the texure folders. Only thing you need to do is copy them to the FSX texture folder and rename them to thumbnail.jpg .

3) Another cleanup: Fixed windows not supported
As FSX does not support the nice 2D cockpit left/right views (Forward Right, Right, Rear Right etc.) you may as well delete the gauge file that contains the bitmaps and the coding: cs_f104.view.gau
Also, you can get rid of the panel.cfg sections for Fixed Window20 - 25.

Hope this helps, please post other tips & tricks to make this old zipper as FSX ready as she can be.

This time let me explain how you can put the different models to work in FSX.

Folder structure FS2004 vs FSX
In FS2004, each model/variation (F-104 or TF-104, clean or with tanks) is stored in one single folder (container) called \Aircraft\Legendary_F104. The TCE program does adjust configuration settings in the Aircraft.cfg file for you everytime you select a different variation in TCE.
Sounds clever but... TCE does not work in FSX :pop4: (probably due to the fact that FSX stores the aircraft in a different folder (\SimObjects\Airplanes).
The way I solved this was to setup separate containers in FSX; each has it's own Aircraft.cfg file with the proper parameters for each model.

How to setup the new aircraft container folders
In this example we create a container folder for the single seat F-104 with 4 tanks. NOTE: You need a working FS2004 installation (!)

1) Launch TCE and select:
4 Tanks
Any livery you may want, e.g. Italian AF
Click "6. Save"

2) Go to the FSX \SimObjects\Airplanes folder and create the new container folder, I named mine Legendary_F104_T4, you can use any name you want.

3) Go to FS2004 folder \Aircraft\Legendary_F104 and copy the Aircraft.cfg file that was modified by TCE to the new folder you created in FSX.

4) Now, copy the proper FS2004 model folder to the FSX container: model.2

BTW: This is a list of available model folders:
model.0 clean
model.1 2 tanks
model.2 4 tanks
model.3 4 AIM9 / 2 Sparrows
model.4 bombs
model.5 TF clean
model.6 TF 2 tanks
model.7 TF 4 tanks
model.00 clean dynamic shine (**)
model.11 2 tanks dyn shine
model.22 4 tanks dyn shine
model.33 4 AIM9 / 2 Sparrows dyn shine
model.44 bombs dyn shine
model.55 TF clean dyn shine
model.66 TF 2 tanks dyn shine
model.77 TF 4 tanks dyn shine

(**) In FS2004, every model variation somes as a default and a dynamic shine version. I do not use the dynamic shine versions as I did not see any added value for them in FSX.

5) Now, copy the other needed folders/files from FS2004 to the FSX container so it contains the following:

texture.ita (or any other with the livery you selected)
cs_f104.air (*)

(*) In case of a two seater model use cs_tf104.air

6) Copy the following FS2004 Gauges (they are in the FS2004 \Gauges folder):


You can put those in the FSX Gauges folder or directly into your FSX F-104 panel folder.

7) Then, from the FS2004 Effects folder you need: Any file like sc104_*.fx (believe there are 11 of them). Put those in the FSX Effects folder.
BTW: The burner looks a bit outdated, I like someone else on this forum replaced the afterburner and smoke effects with more state of the art versions from AlphaSim. You can replace the grey lines in your [lights] section with the new blue ones:

//light.10 = 4, 15.01, 0.00, 1.63, cs104_vclight (I blocked out the VC light as I think it is too bright, the gauges have nice lighting anyway)
//light.11 = 8, -9.00, -10.65, -1.20, cs104_contrail (You do not need these as FSX does wingtip vortices by default)
//light.12 = 8, -9.00, 10.65, -1.20, cs104_contrail
//light.13 = 9, -24.00, 0.00, 1.20, cs104_ab
(the old CS afterburner effect)

light.11= 9, -17.80, 0.00, 0.30, fx_ALPHA_F104_exh
light.12= 9, -17.80, 0.00, 0.30, fx_ALPHA_F104_exh1
light.13= 9, -18.80, 0.00, 1.20, fx_Alpha_F104_AB

//smoke.0 = 0, -31, 0, cs104_smoke (original FS2004 entry blocked out, XYZ coordinates are wrong for FSX)
smoke.0=-34.00, 0.00, 0.00, fx_ALPHA_F104_smoke


8) You now may tweak the Aircraft.cfg file as you like, e.g:

Update the [fltsim.0] section to support the FSX Aircraft selection screen:

ui_type=F-104 Starfighter
ui_typerole="Fighter bomber"
ui_variation=F-104G Italian AF 4 tanks
ui_createdby="Captain Sim"

Add a GPWS which only bitches you when your sinkrate on finals is unacceptably high (never try a Khe Sanh approach with an F-104:gameoff:).

max_warning_height = 0
sink_rate_fpm = -9999
excessive_sink_rate_fpm = -9999
climbout_sink_rate_fpm = -9999
flap_and_gear_sink_rate_fpm= -1200

And anything else like some basic external camera's:

Title = "Tail"
Guid = {02D42E86-CDA6-4921-87E0-2E7A8C1356E5}
Description = Light the blue touch paper!
Origin = Center
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = FALSE
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = FALSE
Track = None
ShowAxis = FALSE
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = 1.0
ShowWeather = Yes
InitialXyz = 3, 1, -22
InitialPbh =1, 0, 0
XyzAdjust = TRUE

Title = "Nose On"
Guid = {54F54B8A-3EC2-2D4E-8D10-B8F9D0F16ACC}
Description = View nose on backwards
Origin = Center
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = FALSE
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = FALSE
Track = None
ShowAxis = FALSE
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = 1.0
ShowWeather = Yes
InitialXyz =1, 1, 17
InitialPbh =1, 0, 180
XyzAdjust = TRUE

And a VC cockpit "landing view":

Title = "VC Landing View"
Guid = {AFA06A0A-7341-4b1f-B486-CE3778336276}
Origin = Virtual Cockpit
MomentumEffect = Yes
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = False
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = False
Track = None
ShowAxis = YES
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = 1.0
SmoothZoomTime = 0.1
ZoomPanScalar = 1.0
ShowWeather = Yes
XyzAdjust = TRUE
Category = Cockpit
InitialXyz=0,-0.0243, 0.1573
InitialPbh=0, 0, 0

Reminds me of another thing I want to do: Create some extra VC cockpit camera's so I can quickly switch to the lower half of the panel and right / left consoles.

Regards, Henk
Peter, I think this is due to a wrong pilot eyepoint in your Aircraft.cfg file.
Try this as a quick fix:

Open Aircraft.cfg file and check this section:

For the single seater it should be:

eyepoint=14, 0, 2.25

And because CS only modelled a backseat VC panel on the TF-104, the eyepoint has to be in the backseat also:

eyepoint=9.5, 0, 2.9

You may want to read my post in this topic on applying proper model parameters in FSX.


Hope this helps, Henk.

I added the alphasim sound just for that J79 howell lol, has anyone got the two seater VC working or is it just me that its not working for, the single one works fine??
I've been tryin to load this but on the start up load sequence I get a pop up that says "Redis"? and locks up

If you click on it "Redis" it stops the lock up but also stops the loading program???

Any clues

Thanks in advance
I added the alphasim sound just for that J79 howell lol, has anyone got the two seater VC working or is it just me that its not working for, the single one works fine??

I'm having the same problem as well.....

I can't seem to find a fix for it.

G. , did you already try what I suggested to Peter yesterday on this thread?

best regards, Henk

Just saw that now Henk.

One question....can both views exist in the single .cfg file or do you need to make a separate aircraft folder for a TF-104? (one that has specific textures, panel, sounds, cfg, etc. for the TF version)

G, Any Aircraft.cfg file can only hold one pilot viewpoint, therefore you need separate aircraft folders for the single and the dual.

Besides the viewpoint, there are other Aircraft.cfg parameters which are different but that is for the purists... The TF-104 has:

- A bit more empty_weight and an additional station_load entry for the instructor.

- Less internal fuel capacity (Center1 tank)

- An additional exit (backseater canopy - number_of_exits=2)

- Different position of the dorsal beacon light
- Different position of the VC light (which I blocked out)

regards, Henk

Just saw that now Henk.

One question....can both views exist in the single .cfg file or do you need to make a separate aircraft folder for a TF-104? (one that has specific textures, panel, sounds, cfg, etc. for the TF version)

G, Any Aircraft.cfg file can only hold one pilot viewpoint, therefore you need separate aircraft folders for the single and the dual.

Besides the viewpoint, there are other Aircraft.cfg parameters which are different but that is for the purists... The TF-104 has:

- A bit more empty_weight and an additional station_load entry for the instructor.

- Less internal fuel capacity (Center1 tank)

- An additional exit (backseater canopy - number_of_exits=2)

- Different position of the dorsal beacon light
- Different position of the VC light (which I blocked out)

regards, Henk

Thanks Henk,

I created a separate aircraft folder called "TF-104" and made rudimentary changes to the cgf file, added the specific folders (sound, panel, textures, etc.) and it works beautifully.

Can you post specifics on the VC light, dorsal beacon and weight changes needed for the trainer cfg file? It would be much appreciated.

And thanks for the other inputs/tips you have given. :ernae::applause:
They have helped tremendously getting this great aircraft to work in FSX.

Thanks to all for all the info and instructions on getting the 104 working correctly in FSX. That's why SOH is such a special place.. I've got one problem left that may not be "fixable" without modifiying a gauge.. The exhaust smoke cuts in as the throttle is advanced, as it should, but it does not cut out as it should when the burner lights. Anyone else have this problem?
You are welcome sir. I have the same issue with the smoke not stopping when the burner kicks in; I already had this problem in FS2004.

On my list of things to do is try an XML gauge I use on other portovers which only does smoke when N2 RPM >76% and AB=false. I am not sure this will work as I am afraid the embedded CS gauge smoke effect might interfere with /override the new one.

Another option may be to remove the [smokesystem] section and add an XML gauge which does smoke on a lights channel. It looks like lights ch. 7 (recognition lights) is still available. I will keep you posted.

BTW: I cannot open/close the TF-104 backseat canopy while it worked fine in FS2004 (by default it operates on keys Shift-E-2). I checked the [exits] section and this should be correct:

number_of_exits = 2
exit_rate.0 = 0.4
exit_rate.1 = 0.4

Do you have this problem also?
Best regards, Henk

Thanks to all for all the info and instructions on getting the 104 working correctly in FSX. That's why SOH is such a special place.. I've got one problem left that may not be "fixable" without modifiying a gauge.. The exhaust smoke cuts in as the throttle is advanced, as it should, but it does not cut out as it should when the burner lights. Anyone else have this problem?