old CS F-104 in FSX

Thanks Henk,
(...) Can you post specifics on the VC light, dorsal beacon and weight changes needed for the trainer cfg file? It would be much appreciated.

Here is my list of variation specific Aircraft.cfg parameters.

I keep all options in my Aircraft.cfg files; depending on the variation I want, redundant lines are commented out with the preceeding "//". So, the blue text are the active lines.
To keep this post readable, the list ONLY shows the variation specific parameters by section.

Further, it contains a few additions/corrections (red text) which are FSX specific and work fine for me.

The list only covers the clean, 2 tank and 4 tanks models. The active lines (blue text) produce the setup for the TF-104 4-tank model (model.7)

F = single seat F-104
TF= two seater TF-104

//sim=cs_f104 // F
sim=cs_tf104 // TF

//model=0 // F clean
//model=1 // F 2 tanks
//model=2 // F 4 tanks
//model=3 // F 4xAIM-9 + 2x AIM-7
//model=4 // F bombs
//model=5 // TF clean
//model=6 // TF 2 tanks
model=7 // TF 4 tanks

//empty_weight =14300 // F clean
//empty_weight =14700 // F 2 tanks
//empty_weight =15100 // F 4 tanks
//empty_weight =14420 // TF clean
//empty_weight =14820 // TF 2 tanks
empty_weight =15220 // TF 4 tanks

station_load.1="180, 10, 0, -1, Instructor" // TF
//station_load.1="493, 16, 0, -1, Rounds of Ammo" // F

fuel_flow_scalar =1.0 // was 0.780 in FS2004 - see next section

// FSX addition, TSFC values for the J79-GE-11A engine
ThrustSpecificFuelConsumption = 0.850
AfterBurnThrustSpecificFuelConsumption = 1.965

//Center1 = 0, 0, 0, 867, 5 // F
Center1 = 0, 0, 0, 657, 5 // TF
LeftAux= -4, 6, -3.4, 209, 5 // wing tank (4 tank configuration)
RightAux= -4, -6, -3.4, 209, 5 // wing tank (4 tank configuration)
LeftTip= -6, 11, -1.4, 164, 5 // tip tank (2 tank configuration)
RightTip= -6, -11, -1.4, 164, 5 //
tip tank (2 tank configuration)

//point.6 =2, 1, -2, -2, 787, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0 // clean/2 tanks
//point.7 =2, 1, 0, -2, 787, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0 // clean/2 tanks
//point.8 =2, 1, 2, -2, 787, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0 // clean/2 tanks
point.6 =2, 1, -6, -4, 787, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0 // 4 tanks
point.7 =2, 1, 0, -4, 787, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0 // 4 tanks
point.8 =2, 1, 6, -4, 787, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0 // 4 tanks

//--Dorsal beacon---------------------------------------
//light.0 = 2, 6.90, 0.00, 2.55, cs104_bc_w // F
light.0 = 2, 0.90, 0.00, 2.55, cs104_bc_w // TF

//--NAV lights on wingtip or on tiptank--------------------
//light.8 = 3, -9.00, -10.65, -1.20, cs104_nav_r // clean
//light.9 = 3, -9.00, 10.65, -1.20, cs104_nav_g // clean
light.8 = 3, -11.59, -11.68, -1.39, cs104_nav_r // 2/4 tanks
light.9 = 3, -11.59, 11.68, -1.39, cs104_nav_g // 2/4 tanks

//--Virtual Cocpkit light------------------------------------
//light.10 = 4, 15.01, 0.00, 1.63, cs104_vclight // F
light.10= 4, 10.50, 0.00, 1.70, cs104_vclight // TF

//--fs2004 wingtip vortex, blocked out - not needed here in FSX
//light.11 = 8, -9.00, -10.65, -1.20, cs104_contrail
//light.12 = 8, -9.00, 10.65, -1.20,

smoke.0=-31.00, 0.00, 0.00, cs104_smoke // all models, fixes wrong FS2004 XYZ values

//number_of_exits = 1 // canopy F
number_of_exits = 2 // front + back canopy TF
exit_rate.0 = 0.4 // front - all models
exit_rate.1 = 0.4 // back - TF only, unfortunately my back canopy does not open/close in FSX...

//eyepoint=14, 0, 2.25 // F
eyepoint=9.5, 0, 2.9 // TF

// If you do not add bitching Betty yourself, FSX will do it for you with default values which I find rather annoying. In this case, only warning is given for excessive sink rate with flaps and gear down.
max_warning_height = -1
sink_rate_fpm = -9999
excessive_sink_rate_fpm = -9999
climbout_sink_rate_fpm = -9999
flap_and_gear_sink_rate_fpm= -1200

best regards, Henk
FIX: Engine Smoke effect vs Afterburner
I think I solved the issue of the engine continuing to smoke when the afterburner is engaged. Please try it and let me know if it works for you.

1) Add my XML smoke gauge to your panel
This will enable the smoke effect via light 7 (recognition light) when the following conditions are met:
- Engine N2 RPM between 70% and 98%
- Throttle lever > 15%
- Altitude < 22000 Ft
- Daylight (when it is dark, the smoke effect would look like a mile long bright flame. The daylight switch was not needed before as the standard smokesystem does this already by default)

Click this link to the zipped gauge file here , then unzip and save file cs104smoke.cab into your panel folder.

2) Add the new gauge to the panel.cfg here:

//gauge00=cs_f104!vc_panel, 0, 0,1024,672
gauge00=cs_f104!vc_panel, 0, 20,1024,650
gauge01=cs104smoke!Smoke, 10,10,20,20

3) Add a new light at the end of the Aircraft.cfg [lights] section:
light.xx= 7, -31.00, 0.00, 0.00, cs104_smoke
xx = next available number

4) Deactivate the Aircraft.cfg [smokesystem] section by commenting it out:
//smoke.0=-31.00, 0.00, 0.00, cs104_smoke

Best regards, Henk
I'm having trouble with the fuel gauges.
The fuel contents are all set at 100%, but the gauges all show zero.
Anybody else have this?

I'm having trouble with the fuel gauges.
The fuel contents are all set at 100%, but the gauges all show zero.
Anybody else have this?


Dave, mine are not working either. The left one shows zero, the right one always shows max Lbs. I tried a fuel gauge from another aircraft and that one responded well so adding alternative fuel gauges is an option.
Best is to take XML gauges because you probably need to adjust the gallons values to match the F-104's fuel capacity.

regards, Henk.
Thanks for that. Good to know I'm not alone.
The smoke modification works a treat, by the way.

Well, it did say "check before flight" - or something like that!!


I also did the conversion I follow your advice

I found two problems

the airplane tends to roll

the textures canopy are black at night (I guess invert the alpha channel also here)
Mr. "Quicksand,"

Try changing the...

smoke.0 = 0, -31, 0, cs104_smoke

to this...

smoke.0 = 0, 0, 0, cs104_smoke

and see if that helps.
Good Luck! :wavey:
Quicksand try

smoke.0 = -31, 0, 0, cs104_smoke


Edit - sorry, following old post, please ignore! DQ<!-- / message --><!-- attachments -->
<img src='http://www.pctunerup.com/up/results/_200912/20091204231558_CSStarfighter.jpg' alt='20091204231558_CSStarfighter.jpg' title='20091204231558_CSStarfighter.jpg' />

:jump::jump::jump: but:

I also did the conversion I follow your advice Check JB Hi Fi Catalogue and Lenovo Catalogue.

I found two problems

the airplane tends to roll

the textures canopy are black at night (I guess invert the alpha channel also here)
How does one invert the alpha channel?

You can use DXTBmp (freeware by Martin Wright) or simply use the fixed bitmaps I posted in this thread (post #24 ):

1) Solid Canopy glass fix
In Acceleration, the canopy glass becomes solid grey in outside views when switching on lights at dusk/night. This is caused by the alpha channel in one of the shared textures: F-104G-0_T.bmp. Feel free to dowload a fixed version here
This thread piqued my interest. I thought I would say some nice things about Capt Sim. I bought the F-104 in 2003 when I live in England. I went to reinstall it today and it wouldn`t, I thought maybe because they could tell from my IP I was in Canada but I later found out it was because I have an old version of the 104 (and the B727 as it happens). I rattled off an e-mail to CS explaining that I had moved to another country and could they change it to my current e-mail. They replied within the hour, changed my mail, and advised thru the FAQ`s what the issue was. Fresh downloads and installs to FS9 and I was all set up with 10 mins.

Capt Sim have in the past come in for some stick for poor customer service. I think they are deserving of praise for the response I got today, especially as the items are 8 years old and I have never purchased anything since from them.

So cudos to CaptSim. :applause:

Now I intend to follow Henks instructions and see if I can get it running in FSX. :salute:
I want to add my kudos to Captain Sim for their support as well. The F-104 was the first model I purchased from them in 2004 yet, despite being seven years ago, I was able to download the latest installer. I also want to add my thanks to Henk for sharing his work to make the FSX conversion easy! I missed having the Starfighter and now the CF-104 and CF-104D are ready to rock & roll with the addition of some favourite repaints. :)

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