Alright, this is just something for immersion purposes but something I'd like to see in future flight simulators, specifically WWI as it would work the best with those, is an optional more detailed before and after the sortie type experience. Picture this: Each day your character awakens in a 1st person perspective in his room at the local squadron villa/chatteu. You can mingle with the other pilots waiting for the trucks in the lobby, getting some random rumor-mill information and then head out for your ride to the aerodrome. Obviously scripted and linear, restricting your freedom, but something to do nonetheless. You arrive at the aerodrome and attend your breifing, all in first person with you at the control, with an NPC pointing out your waypoints and objectives. Intelligence is passed, the whole works. You then walk out along the line of waiting mechanics and planes to your waiting aircraft and the simulation cuts and loads the flight simulator aspect of it. A similar debreifing occurs upon return, with an eventual ride back to the villa and the day ending with you going to sleep. Keep in mind, its all controlled by you, you walk up to Manfred's plane he'll tell you to piss off. But your restricted to only the airfield, so I'm not talking about openly wandering into town or whatever.
Alright, thats my little pipedream fantasy world I wish for. Has anyone got anything in the works similar to that? Even in the planning stages? I know in the past some simulators have had the static background "go to breifing" door, or "go to medals" box, but I'm talking about a controllable 3d environment. I just think it would be cool to be able to speak (even though with restricted dialogue choices) to fellow squadron mates or have that character development amongst your artificial peers. That combined with what P3 is looking to be would pretty much stomp any other simulator into the ground 10x further than it already is I would think. Thoughts?
Go easy on me Dev's haha, I have no programming experience but do realize this would probably require 2 seperate engines and be a pain in the arse! Just thinkin'....
Alright, thats my little pipedream fantasy world I wish for. Has anyone got anything in the works similar to that? Even in the planning stages? I know in the past some simulators have had the static background "go to breifing" door, or "go to medals" box, but I'm talking about a controllable 3d environment. I just think it would be cool to be able to speak (even though with restricted dialogue choices) to fellow squadron mates or have that character development amongst your artificial peers. That combined with what P3 is looking to be would pretty much stomp any other simulator into the ground 10x further than it already is I would think. Thoughts?
Go easy on me Dev's haha, I have no programming experience but do realize this would probably require 2 seperate engines and be a pain in the arse! Just thinkin'....