Oz And Beyond!

Nice flight from Madrid to Porto Portugal. Although things did get a little congested on landing....
:wiggle:Hello there!

Just a few snaps from last nights flight. For some reason I had clear weather for the whole flight and other members of flight 19 ran into a heavy fog bank.
Took off at about 8am and headed on to LEAS in Spain. Kind of late in the morning to be so dark....
:running:Here we go again, off and running! A very nice flight from from Porto (EPPR) to Asturias (LEAS). Got a little crowded upon landing, and I was a little high, so I went around, boy! Did this beastie give me fits on approach, but we got the bugger under control and make a safe landing. This plane can be a pistol at times.
Great shots Taco. I really like that airplane of yours and it's one AlphaSim airplane that actually has a pretty nice VC too.:salute:
We flew east along the northern Spanish coast to LEBB, but first we went to Guernica where I circled above where the town should be.

Anyway, it was great flight...
We flew on up to La Rochelle France. Great flight even if I did have a somewhat minor dive compression incident. A Seafire doesn't make a good dive bomber. Just wanted to get that out into the open.

Got one pic after I picked the seaweed out of the carb....
lol, One pic is good Willy. . .what's that saying, "Any landing you can walk. . . . . . . . .yada, yada, yada", lol. . .after all, you did make it to the ramp.:wavey:
Just a couple of snaps of last night flight, hehe really forgot to take pictures after hearing about Willy's swan dive into the drink!

A couple of pictures of the FSDZign 049 connie that will be flying in the Holkham Dash.
We headed on up north to the Brest area. Nice flight although there was a thunderstorm when we got there... (at least I stayed out of the salt water this time)
Caught up in time to fly up the French coast to Brest. The Dornier is really growing on me.



:running: A very nice flight from LFBH to LFRB. Dropped down to the deck to help herd the local cows, and look for the submarines pens along the coast. Needless to say, herding the cow didn't turn out so well, them cows couldn't keep up with the Fireband. Didn't see any milk maid either, but started to get a little concern about the idea that I might run into a German 88 gun crew. lol. A few photos of the flight, in what order your guess is as good as mine.
Left Brest and headed across the Channel to Southampton. Nice flight although it was pretty bouncy in the Seafire. At least until after I landed. Ended up groundlooping it and was lucky to get out of there with just a singed eyebrow. But it looks like Supermarine will have a job, putting it back together. So, I hopped on British Rail and headed east.....
Got off the train at Merc Air Internationl HQ in Rochford and picked up a Twin Beech that was just laying around and flew it back to Southampton. This should work for MM's scheme. But first I've got to finish navalizing it.