
Old Rusty, of the 1st FG, here over the Dolomites
jk9660 by JanKees Blom, on Flickr
jk9655 by JanKees Blom, on Flickr
jk9652 by JanKees Blom, on Flickr
Old Rusty, of the 1st FG, here over the Dolomites
This is almost ready to share with the world, my first MSFS repaint and first P-38 sim texture in about 14 years! I hope to get it up on flightsim.to soon. (thanks to jankees for all the help! not only a great texture artist, but a fine tutor as well)
- dcc
and it's very pretty too!thanks, it's available at flightsim.to now.
- dcc
meanwhile, I thought I'd try something else
Apparently the Italian Air Force used P-38's until 1955!
I'm seeing the same.
And is there any word on a patch? I checked their website but there is no news, the support website doesn't even have a P-38 section and they don't seem to have a forum.
They are active on there own Discord server, posted you question there.
You can join via this link: https://discord.gg/Rbs7zAmr
Did Sim Update 7 break the plane?
The plane no longer draws from the outer wing tanks and the mixture control lever used to have an extra 'step' for emergency rich that isn't separate anymore. When setting the selector switches to the outer tanks it results in the engines immediately being starved of fuel.
The moment I reach 10,000ft both engines quit, manifold pressure drops, the props start win milling and the feather prop lights come on. Once I drop back below 10k feet the engines restart.
And there's the texture glitch on the cockpit.
Anybody else having issues?
And is there any word on a patch? I checked their website but there is no news, the support website doesn't even have a P-38 section and they don't seem to have a forum.
I fly this practically every time I sit down with MSFSand haven't had any of these other issues you mentioned, just that rectangle over the compass. But I also have turned off the engine damage feature in the tablet which seems to disable some of the custom systems code (I don't care for VC switches, prefer to use physical buttons and keybinds. The starter switches are not set to respond to sim's starter commands, but I discovered if the engine damage is disabled you can use the sim's native starter keybinds to start the plane... )
But I have seen plenty of odd MSFS behaviors recently.
- dcc
According to the manual you must have the fuel pumps switches (left on the seat) ON with the master switches and set to EMERGENCY when flying above 10000 ft. Did you check that?