P-47 Progress Thread

The days around New Year's (Happy NY BTW :adoration:) have been reasonably productive; I finished the BC-602 Radio Control Box and the BC-1206 Detrola. These will make full advantage of a normal map, as they were (partially) covered with some sort of a 'textured paint'. Today I also managed to do something about the windscreen that has been lying around for months. It must be the most complex shape I have encountered in this build so far (not looking forward to texturing this!), but even though the inside is a little more detailed than the outside (because that one goes into the VC), they fit quite well together, so I have must have been doing something right.
With the windscreen done, I also cut out the basic shape for the cockpit tub in the redone basic fuselage. All basic VC parts seem to fit without intersecting (see 3rd screenie). And with the cut-out ready, I can hopefully resume work on the other parts that have been waiting for the rebuild of the cockpit tub.

To make things clear, I am building this baby to original blueprints and then try to weld the finished parts together. Maybe not the most easy or efficient way to model, but it sure is bound to be the most accurate P-47D for CFS3 when I am done [he said modestly :biggrin-new:]. Of course I am limited by the number of polys, so compromises have to be made, but I am content so far.


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Good job with that windshield, Joost, that and the bubble canopy (with their framing) are demanding to build.
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Thanks Tom!

Today I welded the tail feathers to the basic fuselage shape - it seems a decent fit. It's the one without the fin fillet (that will come later). I still have to think of what to do with the hole in the tail cone in front of the rudder. On the real thing this is roughly where the cables, bell cranks and other mechanical linkages between the rudder / elevator and the cockpit controls run, but I really don't want to model the interior of the fuselage as well. It 'll probably come to me later.

The light blue canopy still is the old one. You can see that is both too high and too high riding on the model. Still wrestling with it's shape. I am also not happy with the secondary cowling's curvature. Even though I used the original ordinates etc., it leaves a fairly large gap between the fuselage and the primary cowling with cowl flaps in the closed position (not shown in the screenie) - too large IMHO. So I think I will try to model that part again.


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Would it be possible to map the external textures to match the stock P-47's?

Also, once upon a time Jon "DANCAT" Pratt started a P-47 pit. I have his GMAX files and his permission to use them. Would these be of any help?

Would it be possible to map the external textures to match the stock P-47's? ...


Hmm, I don't think so, as they are quite different models. The stock P-47D is off in so many ways that I think you have to forget about the existing skins - unfortunately. But maybe I can do something about a paint kit of some sort. No promises here, just a thought.

... Also, once upon a time Jon "DANCAT" Pratt started a P-47 pit. I have his GMAX files and his permission to use them. Would these be of any help?

About your offer; I have already modelled all of the parts in your VC screenie... But thanks anyway!!:loyal::encouragement:


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NOW you're talking! Details, details, lovely details, but I hope you're mapping as you go along 'cos that's a heap of mapping to do if you leave it until all is modelled. Just sayin' – don't make the mistake I did with the Tempest!
After a few months of RL, helping Mongoose out a bit, and a long summer vacation, I finally found some time to pick up the P-47 again. I am completely rebuilding the wing, again a complicated shape - I need to pick an easier aircraft the next time :biggrin-new:. Anyway, here's a small teaser to let you know the project isn't dead:


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