P3 Poll - Please Vote....

Would you be able to download OFF P3 - 3 x 1.2GB files?

  • Yes

    Votes: 44 91.7%
  • No

    Votes: 4 8.3%

  • Total voters
Lets have the real thing!!!

Thanks Winder for the post.
I have in inkling that judging by the replies a lot may try but a lot may be frustrated by the download option.
I vote ...keep on with your distributors unless all else fails
We will be patient (honest!) and if anyone thinks this wait is hard then just look to the SOW website where this release has been promised for many years past.
Keep on in there.
I voted yes because I could download it if it becomes available by that
method. It's not a big deal though I could wait until disk(s) become
available and order it that way. Thanks in advance to the dev team
for their work.
I voted yes. I COULD download, then burn to disks ... But ... I want a set of disks etc.

After all the great work the devs team have done in getting this far, an easy download 'could' have the negative effect of allowing a 'full' download copied onto disks and 'lent' to others, depriving the dev team of well deserved income. Now, I would love to think that this would never happen, ESPECIALLY in this case, but then I woke up and realised I was in the real world.... (Oh, and please dont waste anyones time flaming me for this comment, my skin is FAR too thick to care two hoots, and we ALL know that sort of thing does go on with so many downloads)

Devs, stay with what YOU feel is the right way, after all, its YOUR sim, we are just using it :D

I fully agree with http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php?t=7816 too.
Paul :ernae:
Thank you for "clearing the sky from thunderheads", WINDER.

I understand, you may offer download, if enough people would like to;
but still also will release "proper" discs
in a hardcover.

Nice of you "devels", that you feel you must give us the game NOW, but I could wait, too. So, whatever you decide - it will be okay for me. I know, you're doing all you can.
If downloading was the only way, yes, I'm sure that my Broadband and my E6850 2 Duo CPU with 2Gb Ram 32-bit operating system could handle a download but I'd prefer the disc version.
With OFF2 performing nicely I'm happy to wait. Some lads have been waiting a whole lot longer than I have.
I haven't responded to the poll but the answer, from me, would be a reluctant yes.
Whatever you decide I still want to get my hands on P3....
I feel I must make a response to Polovski's post, I have not made any personal remarks against him or any other member of the developement team that justified him calling me 'childish. Fortiesboy, in his post said OFF3 ' It's only a matter of day's to the release of OFF3' It is worth pointing out that it could longer than this. I am surprised that at this stage,when OFF3 is supposed to be coming out 'soon', we have been asked to vote whether or not we would like to be able to download OFF3. I was told by Polovski to 'hang on', which of course I will. I do wonder why the download poll was not proposed at the end of the testing/error finding phase.

Actually you inferred we were idiots many times, (for example you inferred we didn't forsee Christmas???) anyway we will release info when we have it, as I have repeatedly said. Now I am saying nothing more at all until we have a release in whatever form. Bye all.
Hi Polovski, I think if you check the posts on this subject you will find that it was not that mentioned 'you not foreseeing Christmas'
Guys, please stick to the poll, it's not really a question, or matter of opinion. This is just us gathering some data.

There is no decision made to post it on the web, there is no decision made to do anything other than gather info.

Please just help us out by answering the poll, not the thread. Yes, or No... that's it... no more no less.



I would have no problem downloading the files. My preference would be for a pressed DVD, but I would happily settle for either format.
One other question might help also. While I could and would be willing to download the program I would also like a hard copy DVD/CD with the case. If OFF3 was made available to download I assume it would be make a payment via paypal or credit card and receive a code or registration number to be able to download it. Would that cost also cover a hard copy when available (I could understand a small fee to cover materials, shipping and handling above the cost for the program itself)

One other question might help also. While I could and would be willing to download the program I would also like a hard copy DVD/CD with the case. If OFF3 was made available to download I assume it would be make a payment via paypal or credit card and receive a code or registration number to be able to download it. Would that cost also cover a hard copy when available (I could understand a small fee to cover materials, shipping and handling above the cost for the program itself)


This solution has my vote as well; download, followed by discs...for what it's worth.

No pressure and no disrespect intended to the developers.
Thanks for your post, Winder.

Pol, try not to let the noise from the clamoring masses get under your skin. Think of it as a sign of the amount of anticipation there is for phase 3. Much better than a resounding, "Eh" in response to a "soon to be released" post. :sleep:
Of course, not being one of the devs, I have no idea what kind of craziness you have been putting up with for the last few months. You are entitled to be exasperated.

:focus: I would also prefer discs but am willing to use download, if available.
Please just help us out by answering the poll, not the thread. Yes, or No... that's it... no more no less.





What you are asking isn't really to be answered by just Yes or No.
The poll is bound to initiate other questions. The first is - why are you asking?

Is it intended to give the devs an idea as to how many would buy via download, if you decided to go that route?
If it is, you have asked the wrong question, to get a meaningful result, by a plain Yes or No. .

If it isn't - it's just that you want to know how many CAN download - What use is that information.?

There are many ( most ) who CAN download. But some of those may choose not to do so. They may BUY a disc, but not download.??
That figure may change again, if things like torrent method came into the equation.

The posts have borne this out.

Perhaps the question could have been.
If we choose to offer Phase 3 by DVD disc hard copies, and also by straightforward ( non- torrent ) download as an alternative, how many would use the latter ?

The plain baldness of the present question does invite comment, which is what has happened.

However, this is now academic. - Winder's post has now clarified exactly what the position now is.
All we can do is await his next post.

What you are asking isn't really to be answered by just Yes or No.
The poll is bound to initiate other questions. The first is - why are you asking?

Is it intended to give the devs an idea as to how many would buy via download, if you decided to go that route?
If it is, you have asked the wrong question, to get a meaningful result, by a plain Yes or No. .

If it isn't - it's just that you want to know how many CAN download - What use is that information.?

There are many ( most ) who CAN download. But some of those may choose not to do so. They may BUY a disc, but not download.??
That figure may change again, if things like torrent method came into the equation.

The posts have borne this out.

Perhaps the question could have been.
If we choose to offer Phase 3 by DVD disc hard copies, and also by straightforward ( non- torrent ) download as an alternative, how many would use the latter ?

The plain baldness of the present question does invite comment, which is what has happened.

However, this is now academic. - Winder's post has now clarified exactly what the position now is.
All we can do is await his next post.


Believe me, you've gone far deeper that the intent of the question.

A yes or no will be fine. For clarifcation as to why, refer back to Winder's post. Consider the downloading option like a 'spare tire', that's all.


OF course I can. I think most of you who have DSL, ADSL, or cable connections are actually going to be just fine. And it's actually not too difficult burning something like that to a dvd-r for back-up either. PC gaming is going the way of internet download. I am absolutely fine purchasing and downloading this title. Thanks for considering this as the more options to get the game, the better imho.
Not one problem at all Winder, I downloaded all of the FSGenesis mesh, which also are very big downloads. I have a very fast cable connect, but even that has no meaning when your circuits are loaded, so may have to pick the time.

Not one problem at all Winder, I downloaded all of the FSGenesis mesh, which also are very big downloads. I have a very fast cable connect, but even that has no meaning when your circuits are loaded, so may have to pick the time.

It's all a matter of timing, I D/L phase 2 in 35min with Roadrunner

at 3:30AM EST on a Thursday, came in corrupted twice, finally got it on disc :amen:
So long as the download system could be reliable, I vote 'yes'.

I remember the Phase 2 issues due to the BS that the internet provider company pulled with the OFF website-- the disc system is better than that. But a reliable download system sounds fine to me.