Prepare3D sounds real interesting... Might have to give it a go. Will we ever see proper vectored thrust supported? Or rockets.(think X-24 A/B)?
Very glad someone mentioned that all of my planes work!
I'd like to see how prominent this watermark in the top r/h/corner is in the Academic issue. HAs anyone got a snapshot they could post?
Aha Thank you, I was anticipating something more intrusive. That's not an issue at all.Sure here ya go
P3D is sounding better and better the more responses I read. It seems to have taken a giant leap forward and has great reviews, and sounds like more good is just around the corner.
$49 to have the code cleaned up so all the muss and fuss is gone sounds great to me!!
No stutters, jaggies gone, real water, real clouds, cross compatibility to 3rd party add-ons?
I'm looking into getting P3D right after this post.
Although I don't have Prepar3D, I do know that everyone who does have it should check out the amount of detail incorporated into the port city of Norfolk, Virginia, within the sim, as it comes. As I understand it, the scenery was made to showcase the simulator's support of 4096 x 4096 resolution textures in scenery. Looking at screenshots of it, it reminds me of the Aerosoft city sceneries. getttin interrested..but i have several dollars invested in the pc aviators megascenery stuff for the west well as aerosofts maldives and st barths,st maartin.lukla..will those all work in P3d? getttin interrested..but i have several dollars invested in the pc aviators megascenery stuff for the west well as aerosofts maldives and st barths,st maartin.lukla..will those all work in P3d?
the loss of trackIR is a major hurdle for me...anychance they are working on this issue?...i dont have a clue what that other thing is..the four letters in caps...