Since the topic is about the $50 Academic License and since this is Sim-Outhouse where we seem to staunchly support (at least) member's EULA's and rules/terms of proper use...
I guess it's safe to assume that everyone who buys Prepar3d via the $49.95 Academic License
-- is NOT using it as "a personal/consumer entertainment product" and
-- IS actively and primarily engaged in providing "undergraduate student instruction", "K-12 student instruction", "K-12 after-school programs" or
-- IS a student in a K-12 or undergraduate program.
or is that another erroneous assumption? I'd hate to think that the Quest For The Holy Grail of the Next and Best Flight Simulator would lure people into ...ummm... "fudging the rules" to save a buck or selfishly contravene a license.
Naw.. that wouldn't happen....
and I'm sure no one would use a SOH Forum to admit to, or encourage it either...