Coming out of the paintshop. Enterprise and North Carolina.
Iowa with Enterprise and N. Carolina in the background.
And a couple of the old Battlewagons, New York and Texas.
very nice indeed!
Which models are these?
Fantastic Matt. Cheers.
Coming out of the paintshop. Enterprise and North Carolina.
Iowa with Enterprise and N. Carolina in the background.
And a couple of the old Battlewagons, New York and Texas.
These are absolutely stunning models and these repaints look brilliant! But I've spent two days trying to add bow waves; all looks great when the ships are moving but I can't get a visibility condition to prevent them showing when the the ship is stationary. Which fx files are you using?? DaveQ
The effect I'm using for the Bow is fx_wake_bow_Zu. I don't know if it is a stock file or an add-on. The effect is visible when the ship is stationary which is a bummer.
I know Deltasim uses some sort of gauge effect on his King George V for the bow that works with movement/speed of the ship. But that is player model and don't know
if it would work on AI. Maybe talk to Rob (rcbarend) and see if he has one or could make one for AI.
Depending on how you're adding the effect it just needs a visibility condition that only displays it above a speed of ~5knots.
Did the destroyer shown come from those in the "Langley" download?
Regards, Bill
Just tested out the visibility condition and changed it in MCX and it works. The part I need to figure out is to get it displaying above 5 knots or lower. Right now as soon as the ship starts to move
it pops up. The only side effect is once you stop forward movement the effect stays visible.
Here is how to do it. Once you have added the effect make sure to export the model, then reload it. Then open the Hierarchy Editor, click on the AttachedEffect for the Bow. To the right click on
the Visibility Condition and scroll down to "Forward Movement Visibility" and set it. Export the model.
I also changed the effect to the Deltasim KGV spray which is nice as it is effected by the movement of the waves.