Pacific Scenery Issues

Your screenshot shows the stock install coastlines as well as the Milne Bay scenery coastlines.

Kevin gives you an excellent workaround, useful for chopping & changing between old stuff & newer stuff, but the real issue is that if the Milne Bay vtp exclude was in the correct place, the stock coastlines wouldn't show up.

The file is: !MilneBay_VTP_exclude1.bgl & it's supposed to be in the SWPTO_Excludes_UT folder. :dispirited:

If my other SWPTO sceneries are displaying correctly, then I'm assuming the scenery hierarchy is not the issue here, as they use the same folder names.
Ballale Island

Can't seem to find this ghost area at Ballale Island. I thought it might be a conflict with MR's scenery so I removed the Ballale bgls from MR_Solomon's, but it remained. Would anyone recognize it? Activated or deactivated of stock water masks had no effect.


  • Screenshot (76).png
    Screenshot (76).png
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I don't know how you do it!

What I think I see...

Maskriders Ballale island shorelines & roads. These match the island poly in view.


My Solomons Ballale island road lines & vtp polys


No Ballale LWM poly

I have no idea how you can get these elements to all show up together?

Presumably the Shortland Island (close by, to the SW) is also messed up?

I'm going to assume you're trying mix & match elements of the Solomons_UT package & have messed up.

My scenery was created for use with Rhumbas mesh. As such, it corrects mislocations with the older, less accurate mesh. Ballale is one of those islands that is slightly "off".

Caveat - what follows is me recalling from memory, the filenames may not be exactly as I type them...

The land & watermask LWM poly is part of Bougainville_3.bgl.
The shorelines are part of Shortland_8_fixed.bgl
Any nearby vtp poly reefs are part of Shortland_7_fixed.bgl

These reside in the Solomon_Islands_UT scenery folder.

In the airfield scenery folder you have the 3 usual files (Ballale, AFD, A16N), plus Ballale_7 & Ballale_8 bgls.

Ballale_7_fixed.bgl is the vtp polys for the dirt patches.
Ballale_8_fixed.bgl is the roads & vtp poly edging.

I think that's all of them...

If you persist with trying to mix & match stuff I would recommend getting hold of Jim Kiers LWM viewer, it's a good tool for viewing what area each of the scenery bgls will cover....

A different possibility...

In the screengrab it looks like you may have Maskriders Solomons active AND one of my Solomons Airbases (43erly, 43late, 44erly - Ballale is present in all 3) active at the same time.

Why would you activate the airbases without the matching underlying island scenery layers??? :banghead:
Sorry guys. I won't be a bother again. I did NOT activate all the airbases at the same time. Nor out of order.

I've just spent a couple of hours trying to reproduce what you see. I managed to do it, but ...

I thought a series of screengrabs might be more helpful. First, here's Ballale in an 87 Days Install, with 87 Days Airbases active.

Plain island, shorelines, no roads, no airbase.


  • Ballale_87Days+87DaysAirbases_active.jpg
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Next, I tried activating MR_Solomons, & had it as my topmost layer.

Island with shorelines, plus airbase. A slightly different view, because Maskrider drew Ballale island & included it in his package, it's at a slightly different location to mine (difference between old mesh & new mesh).

Note: nearby Shortland island has no shorelines.


  • Ballale_87Days+airbases_plus_MR_Solomons_as_highest _scenery_layer.jpg
    Ballale_87Days+airbases_plus_MR_Solomons_as_highest _scenery_layer.jpg
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OK, next I tried activating the 43early airbase set from Solomons_UT, as this is the first location where Ballale airfield exists in my scenery set (see the airbase timeline in the package)

OK, we have two airbases almost in the same location (ghosting), but my island overdraws MRs island. Not quite the same as your screenshot.


  • Ballale_87Days_43erly+MR_Solomons_but_keeping_Solomon_Islands_UT.jpg
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So next i deactivated Solomon_Islands_UT ...


  • Ballale_87Days+MR_Solomons_plus_Solomons_Airbases_43early_active.jpg
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I'm pretty sure that's your screenshot.

Here's the scenery library I used to reproduce it ...


  • Ballale_ghosting_scenery_Library_config.jpg
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You can use MR_Solomons with this install, but load it high in the scenery library & be prepared to see areas with no shorelines & possibly sloping water. I think you must have deactivated Solomon_Islands_UT by mistake, or because it interfered with MRs depiction of Ballale.

Maskriders Solomons was made before Rhumba released his more accurate world mesh.

My Solomons is made to use with Rhumbas new world mesh.

You shouldn't try using any Solomons_UT airbase sets with MR_Solomons installed.

They cover much the same locations, just with appearances as per slightly different timeframes, In general Maskriders base layouts are fully developed, as these were reasonably well documented at the end of WW2. My base layouts are more spartan & basic, trying to depict the bases as they were at the time they were fought over.

In short, pick MR or UT airbases & don't have both active at the same time.

I hope this helps.
PS. In your original post you said you removed Ballale bgls from MR_Solomons. I would put them back, as I hope you see from the series of screenshots Maskriders Ballale is at the slightly different location to mine. If you don't put them back, whenever you load MR_Solomons your Ballale airbase will be sitting (partly) in water.
Hey many thanks UT. I had to overnight down in Johnson Count to take care of the horses but I'm back now. I'll get to work on Ballale tonight. I do believe the last shot is spot on to mine issue. Now I know how to proceed. Thanks!

Hi Steve,
I've combined your threads as they are more or less related and might be some help for other people having scenery problems in the PTO.
Yes! Many thanks for the help gentlemen. Most of this remains a mystery to me. So... I finally made a new stock install just for the wonderful "87 Days Campaign". In this I have ONLY installed UT's scenery. As a result, all UT's scenery works great. I wonder what scenery of MR's would work in this new CFS2 install and not interfere with UT's? I hesitate to experiment now that all is working so well.
I suggest installing all Pacific scenery packages available including mesh, water masks, water and coastal flattens but not activating them. UT's and MR's scenery for the same locations should be kept in separate scenery layers.

It's then a matter to refer to each scenery package's installation instructions to see which other layers are compatible.

I know it's a bit of a pain, but when flying in different parts of the Pacific, you will have to activate and/or deactivate various layers for things to display correctly. The layer order is important of course.

Dvslats/Rami's Pacific Scenery Installation Guide probably needs expanding to cover all contingencies.