Patches, changelog of updates for MSFS

Q&A about next patches (few very good news):

btw. next big update of scenery (like it was for Japan) - USA :wavey:.
8th dev. update:

The new patches 15 and 29.10.2020:

The "Press Any Key To Start" issue on the wishlist is labeled "Fixed." I guess I won't be seeing my replacement video of the young ladies frolicking around with bush planes anymore. :sorrow:
It's honestly a very mild PG-13, but definitely more interesting that just in-sim footage. I found it on Vimeo (search Girls and Planes), then used another website that converts the html video to a downloadable mp4. Then I ran that through Movie Maker to delete the audio, renamed it, changed the extension on the original to .bak, and dropped it into the folder. The video's really just an ad for some Russian Facebook wannabe, but I really don't care about that. The only time you see that is at the very end.
The "Press Any Key To Start" issue on the wishlist is labeled "Fixed." I guess I won't be seeing my replacement video of the young ladies frolicking around with bush planes anymore. :sorrow:

I hope so! This video is nice (to see 1-2 times) but its waste of time...

btw. What is good I see a lot of updates of SDK (according plans), so maybe more 3th party addons for MSFS finally... (till now we have only 2 planes from Carenado, 1 Bird Dog of BBS and this (poor?) Kitfox) :sorrow: .
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The new update is ready for download
(+ Japan).

How to get the update???? Mine is v1.8.3.0, MS Store AND app show NO new updates, my ingame store shows the JAPAN World update owned and downloaded, but NOT installed. I have a lot of updates in Content Manager shown as downloaded but NOT installed. :banghead::banghead::banghead:

I keep trying the sign out trick, but it does not take. I sign out, shutdown MSFS, reboot computer, restart MSFS, and I'm still logged in!

I checked the MSFS forums, but could find nothing on my problem. (Wrong search criteria???) Running WIN 10 v2004, build v19041.508. Is this the latest?
Don - if you got your game through the MS Store, go back there and let it check for updates. It'll do a small update there, then when you launch the sim, it'll do the big one. Once 1930 is in, then Japan will be in the Marketplace as a free "purchase." With Steam or XBox, I'm not sure how to get the 1930 patch. The Japan package requires it though.

Edit - just re-read. Not sure why you're not getting the update. Make sure you use the MS Store app in Win 10, and not the store website. Also make sure you're logged in.
Tom, I tried everything both you and John Terrill suggested, none worked. Finally, I just uninstalled using the Windows uninstaller. Guess what, this uninstaller does NOT remove ANY content. It just removes the necessary files to start the program. Anyway, I reinstalled from the store using the Windows10 Store App. Primary download is done, and after starting the program, it is presently downloading the main content. Also, the version is now After installation finishes, will see if all my prior purchases are still available, or if they need reinstalling. Will have to wait till tomorrow to see what happens. out! Its about 0,6 Gb for download, for installation 2,41Gb.



-The VFR map should no longer crash the title during a flight
-Avionic screens or buttons in the cockpit should no longer be turned off randomly (ghost cockpit)
-Crashes related to the use of the Smart cam have been fixed


-Navblue navigation data has been updated


-Version history is now properly displayed in the Marketplace and Content manager
-The multiple simultaneous downloads in the content manager are better handled to prevent crashes or freezes
-The packages downloaded through the content manager should now be correctly loaded without requiring a reboot of the title
-The airport icons in the world map have been slightly modified


-Auto Pilot pitch oscillation has been reduced on some planes


-Multiplayer has been deactivated in the Japan Discovery Flight


-Quality of life updates for the marketplace


-Autogen buildings height has been reviewed
-TIN luminance (Sendai, Takamatsu, Tokushima, Tokyo, Utsunomiya, Yokohama)
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My "Press Any Key To Start" is still there. I thought they were doing away with it?

I have a feeling that this is more of a hotfix than an update (hence, it's 1.9.5). In the video, I thought they said they'd be releasing the USA World Update on the 13th. No sign of that, so I think not everything they've finished made it in this release?
The major World Updates, like Japan, are only going to be released every 2-3 months. Asobo has said that the USA World Update will be launched later this year (I wouldn't expect it until probably late December).
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