PB4Y-2 Privateer WIP

Thanks for all the compliments :salute:

heres another from a flight this morning

Next up on the texture list. This will be Tanker 123, the reason I did this project. The crew and plane were lost 10yrs ago this July.:USA-flag:

I have pix I took inside one that was being used to haul meat around So. America; not sure if it had a glass nose or faired over. That was back in the early sixties.

- h52

Wow never heard about one being used like that. Id love to see the pics!

I don't know if I'll be able to "produce" -- they are 35 mm slides which I have not figured how to upload/post. Ideas?

- h52
Great effort TG :applause: :applause:

I can't believe this is a 'first time' model, you've done well :salute:

Can't wait for the release as mines going to be destined to fly cargo in the wilds of Alaska and northern Canada :jump:

Great effort TG :applause: :applause:

I can't believe this is a 'first time' model, you've done well :salute:

Can't wait for the release as mines going to be destined to fly cargo in the wilds of Alaska and northern Canada :jump:


Well, Pete, that should be a money-maker with up to 32,000 lbs of cargo each trip. :)
Now, about that fuel cost ... :kilroy:
I have pix I took inside one that was being used to haul meat around So. America; not sure if it had a glass nose or faired over. That was back in the early sixties.

- h52

Wow never heard about one being used like that. Id love to see the pics!

I don't know if I'll be able to "produce" -- they are 35 mm slides which I have not figured how to upload/post. Ideas?

- h52

Well if you do figure out how to load it up Id love to see.

Thanks all for the kind words! This is a very gentle beast. Milton has done wonders on the flight model! The 4Y is a great handling aircraft for a large bomber.

Here are some pics from my actual flight in the 4Y

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Knowing Pete, he's already got it sorted...:icon_lol:

I can also imagine his probable remark when he has this 'little' beauty fired-up on all four, for the first time, too:
Bugger! :wavey:
Nice indeed, and many thanks to Milton for his continuing encouragement to creative members of the community.

Cheers: Tom
Knowing Pete, he's already got it sorted...:icon_lol:

I also know his probable remark when he has this 'little' beauty fired-up on all four, for the first time, too:
Bugger! :wavey:

:jump: :jump: :jump: .... I'll wear my 'pilot bib' so I don't drool down the front of my flight suit .

:jump: :jump: :jump: .... I'll wear my 'pilot bib' so I don't drool down the front of my flight suit .


Hey Pete :wavey:
I could use one of those too!

Freeware gems like this are costing me an absolute fortune in new keyboards!

May just get me a box o' disposable daipers as well - as usual, I'll end up trying to barrel role the beast!

PS; TG has gone into torture mode - photos like those shouldn't be allowed up here.
Put in a little time on the 4Y tonight. Mapped the nose gear rim and tire. Also worked on the VC a little bit mapping and adding a few things. This looks like it will be alot of fun when finished! :jump:


I like the way it sits on the ramp... the plane looks heavy. Superb in all aspects, eagerly awaiting it's release. Very nice work, TG72! :medals:

At 58K pounds, it is heavy :)

But she will get off the ground in 4086 feet of runway and climb at 300-500fpm to 130kias even after reducing map to 36" and rpms to 2600 and retracting flaps. She flies pretty sweet!

'tis a fun aircraft. :)
Yep She flies great! Thanks to Milton! Still working on my landings I've had to replace the tail skid a few times:icon_lol: Don't think I'd pass my checkride yet.
I thought Id try messing around with some weathering techniques! Never done it before but try to fade out the wings to make this monster look used and abused. This project is a HUGE learning process for me :icon_eek:

I like it TG :applause:

I might say you are a very fast study, hear it once and you are off to do magic. You have made amazing progress in a very short time. :isadizzy: