PB4Y-2 Privateer WIP

FS9 PB4Y-2 Tanker Skins

Thank you Milton,

I re-sized the textures in ' MS Paint' then 'flipped' the textures and saved in 'extended 32 bit BMP' format utilising ' DXT BMP', but the a/c looked like a hippy spray painter had smoked too much weed.

Maybe there is the old situation of the painter using one model and the user putting the skin on another earlier or later version. I took my model from the WIP produced in 2012: dated - 12/15/2012 5:56PM 4628KB.

Thank you Milton,

I re-sized the textures in ' MS Paint' then 'flipped' the textures and saved in 'extended 32 bit BMP' format utilising ' DXT BMP', but the a/c looked like a hippy spray painter had smoked too much weed.

Maybe there is the old situation of the painter using one model and the user putting the skin on another earlier or later version. I took my model from the WIP produced in 2012: dated - 12/15/2012 5:56PM 4628KB.



AFAIK, the current model is December 15, 2012; that is what I have. EDITED

The 2048 textures were in bmp format so they did not need to be flipped, just resized.

Anyhow, I went through the new and original textures thoroughly and cleaned up the folders, resized, and repackaged along with an updated aircraft.cfg.

The package is now uploaded and available.

The package now includes all three texture sets, 121, 122, 123 as I had to resize some original ones to work in FS9.

EDIT: Here is the link: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?catid=7&linkid=20258
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Thanks Milton for fixing that up. I totally spaced on fixing it up for FS9 textures.

I want to revisit the 4Y and finish the rest of the models, but that'll have to be after I finish the Neptune airtankers for FSX.
First of all many thanks to Tankerguy! Your Privateer and the liveries rock!

Milton, thank you so much for resizing the textures. I was to do that myself, but your work saved me time I now can use for the amazing Tigercat. Wow, what a thoroughbred that is. Demands a lot of concentration, particularly when flying on one engine or practising loopings. ;)

First of all many thanks to Tankerguy! Your Privateer and the liveries rock!

Milton, thank you so much for resizing the textures. I was to do that myself, but your work saved me time I now can use for the amazing Tigercat. Wow, what a thoroughbred that is. Demands a lot of concentration, particularly when flying on one engine or practising loopings. ;)


Ah, you are welcome TG and Maarten. Happy to do it. I should be packaging the -3N but no hurry on that.

Since I made my FSX aircraft.cfg part of the release package (without thinking), I reviewed the differences. The only thing I see that needs to be changed is the Smokesystem entries that I have also enhanced to use my S2T fire retardant effect.

I enhanced the smoke system to provide a full dump front to back using my heavier effect (from my fire tankers). The entries you can use if you need them are:

smoke.0 = -1.305, -2, 0, fx_MS_fire_retardant
smoke.1 = -1.305, 7, 0, fx_MS_fire_retardant

The effects are attached with complete installation, mods, and use instructions.
I included an optional, maybe better, effect to try as well.

To use the drop system, press the slash (spoiler) key to open the doors, then use the "I" (smoke) key to drop the retardant.

NOTE: these entries work for FS9 only as teh FSX coordinates are different
A lovely great beast, like Glenn Duncan's which is also wonderful:applause:.

However one quirk is that the autopilot works in reverse...add degrees to go right, but go left in travel direction !

A lovely great beast, like Glenn Duncan's which is also wonderful:applause:.

However one quirk is that the autopilot works in reverse...add degrees to go right, but go left in travel direction !


Hi Andy, that's an interesting statement. I did not put an autopilot in the panel, so obviously I am confused. :)

EDIT: Or, were you talking about Glenn's panel.

No, I was meaning the Team's one..!
How very strange.....in the 2D panel there is/was a click spot on the yoke on the 'padded' section- which I assumed was the Heading control. No wonder we were going the wrong way. :dizzy:

You have been working far too hard for us ingrates as it is, so a great big Thank You to you All..

No, I was meaning the Team's one..!
How very strange.....in the 2D panel there is/was a click spot on the yoke on the 'padded' section- which I assumed was the Heading control. No wonder we were going the wrong way. :dizzy:

You have been working far too hard for us ingrates as it is, so a great big Thank You to you All..

Sounds like you are using a modified panel. I did not put an AP or clickspot on the steering area or anywhere :)
For FSX port over users, I have setup an improved visual retardant drop for FSX:

Change your FSX aircraft.cfg to use the following:

smoke.0 = -2, 0, -6.305, fx_MS_fire_retardant
smoke.1 = 5, 0, -6.305, fx_MS_fire_retardant

Try it; adjust per your taste.

If you do not have the effect, it is attached. Includes both FS9 and FSX instructions, and cfg entries but uses the same effects.

Just copy to your FSX/Effects folder.
Here's a screenshot which shows what I mean....


I thought the heading indicator was the autopilot adjustment.....which is probably why I never put myself forward for flight training.
It is impossible to see properly, but the little hand appears and allows you to alter the heading up or down, but the screenshot program doesn't capture that bit, just by the black button.


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