PB4Y-2 Privateer WIP

First I want to thank the developers for such a great model. I've seen #121 several times when visiting Casa Grande airport and am really glad there is an FS version, outstanding job!. Just had a question, I always try all the animations whenever I get something new and when I hit shift+E the pilots window goes straight up and stays above the aircraft floating in the air. Just thought I'd point it out in case it is something that may need addressing.
Chuck, here is a fix

First I want to thank the developers for such a great model. I've seen #121 several times when visiting Casa Grande airport and am really glad there is an FS version, outstanding job!. Just had a question, I always try all the animations whenever I get something new and when I hit shift+E the pilots window goes straight up and stays above the aircraft floating in the air. Just thought I'd point it out in case it is something that may need addressing.


Check out post #225 in this thread (Page 15), there is an updated model that addressed that issue.

Or just click the link below to download the fix.
And yes, it is a wonderful model / paint

Hope everyone is still enjoying the 4Y. I had some time to get in to the paint booth and did another texture of Tanker 122. Actually 2 versions. A 1980 version like when it crashed at Ramona, Ca and an earlier 1975 version. Love how they both came out.

Tanker 122 (1980)




Tanker 122 (1975)


...and the 3 of my beasts so far.

Alrighty Tankers 121 and 122 have been posted in FS9 Civilian Prop skins! Enjoy! :wavey:

Thanks TG, I've been wanting these ever since the first screen shots. Seems to me, I remember several repaints for the S-2A tanker that never came out. Didn't you do the green Hemet Valley S-2A and several others?

Dave :dizzy:
Fs9 skins for pb4y-2 by tankerguy27

Tks for the gift of this a/c, it has real presence on the ramp. Would it be possible for you to post the skins for Tanker a/c 121 and 122 in FS9 format. ie sized 1024 by1024. Have tried converting your posted skins but failed in some style.
Tks again for the a/c
Tks for the gift of this a/c, it has real presence on the ramp. Would it be possible for you to post the skins for Tanker a/c 121 and 122 in FS9 format. ie sized 1024 by1024. Have tried converting your posted skins but failed in some style.
Tks again for the a/c

I will do that for you Mal; it is an FS9 model after all. :)
Thank you Milton, & TG too, for the excellent work you both do to help make this such an enjoyable simulation!:encouragement:
Great skins!

The plane I have was released in December 2012 as a WIP. Has there been an updated 3D model or flight model since then?