PB4Y-2 Privateer WIP

Hi all,

the aircraft looks great. Just two things that I noticed: there seem to be some all black (0,0,0) pixels on the 2D windscreen, particularly on the left. And the gauge markings don't match engine performance - at full throttel I don't even get to the yellow arc. It was just a quick look and these things are really minor. Overall, the model is excellent.

I'll report back if I find something else.

Best regards,


one more thing - please look at the aileron trim tab animation. With a good twist of the trim whell, they're several yards off the wing.

Best regards,

LOL Volker, thanks for those observations. Now it is clear why Tankerguy72 calls this a Works-In-Process. He will not be able to get back on this aircraft for some months but at least we get to play with it in the interim. :)

The panel work is the best I could do not being a panel/gauge guru and with no graphics program, feel free to dress it up, clean it up, and modify it for your personal use while we await TG72's return to the project.

I am sure TG is keeping a list of these issues as people discover them.

Hi! I'm new here. I'd just like to thank TG, Milton and all the rest who have contributed to this great project. I've been wanting a PB4Y firebomber for longer than I care to admit. I down loaded it this morning, and took it out for a few take offs and landings. I found it to be well behaved and fairly easy to handle (as long as you don't get too slow on the approach! LOL).

Yup. I noticed that you can't see the props from behind too.

One other thing I noticed, not sure if anyone else has mentioned it, but when you open the exit, the pilots window goes up instead of sliding aft. I do like the animation of the pilot turning his head when the window opens, though - nice touch!

I'm using it in FS9 on a fairly basic machine.

Again, thanks!
Thanks to you all. As Milton mentioned this project is still far from finished, but I didnt want to keep it from you all while Im busy with RL. My notepad is definitely filling up now :icon_lol: Im aware of these issues and they will be fixed on a future update. So feel free to point out whatever you see, it is appreciated.

and please remember the reason for this project

Thanks for the old 123 Tankerguy. I think that I posted early in this thread that I saw her fly on a couple of occasions in the Rocky Mountain area and I look forward to taking her helm as soon as I get my FS 9 up and flying again.
With Tankerguy72's permissions and your suggestions, I have corrected the prop mesh, the aileron trim animation, and the window animation.

If you need the panel bmp leaks corrected, simply download the one posted above by RallyModeller.

I will post the updated model here shortly after testing.

EDIT: Model Updated as stated above
Thanks tankerguy, Milton and whoever else contributed.:applause:

I saw a couple of PB4Ys fly out of then Jeffco(since renamed)when I lived in Westminster CO along with P2Vs,DC4s,and C-130s back in the late 90s but can't remember the tanker numbers,123 might have been one of them.I do remember one was painted and one wasn't. I watched for hours!
Anyways I am lovin this bird!:jump:
Heres a couple of shots out of SBA:salute:
View attachment 77311View attachment 77312
With Tankerguy72's permissions and your suggestions, I have corrected the prop mesh, the aileron trim animation, and the window animation.

If you need the panel bmp leaks corrected, simply download the one posted above by RallyModeller.

I will post the updated model here shortly after testing.

EDIT: Model Updated as stated above

Thanks for doing that, Milton. I reckon since it was a WIP, that the mods would come out sooner or later...lol!

Thanks for doing that, Milton. I reckon since it was a WIP, that the mods would come out sooner or later...lol!


Thanks. These were easy fixes and since TG had not modified the latest gmax source I returned to him, it was a no brainer. Happy to do that for these obvious issues I somehow overlooked. :-/
Making headway on the 121 Texture. Need some more touchups, paint the gear struts, and fix some lines. Maybe today or tomorrow hopefully
