PB4Y-2 Privateer WIP

Downloading aircraft file and textures. Not long finished work and a bit tired So I will see how much damage I can do to it in P3D tomorrow.
Hard to believe that this is still a WIP project!
Very well done indeed! The metal work is incredible.
Thanks TG and Milton & co. for letting us have a taster of what's still to come.

Regards, Stuart
That looks great! Will definitely give a test tonight! :applause:

Two quick comments about the downloads: The installer for the main package places all the contents that should be inside an aircraft folder directly into Fs9\aircraft, not into Fs9\aircraft\PB4Y Tanker (Or something like that.) and there are two sets of textures in the seperate download; one inside the main zip and another set in the folder 'textures' inside the zip file. Are these identical?
That looks great! Will definitely give a test tonight! :applause:

Two quick comments about the downloads: The installer for the main package places all the contents that should be inside an aircraft folder directly into Fs9\aircraft, not into Fs9\aircraft\PB4Y Tanker (Or something like that.) and there are two sets of textures in the seperate download; one inside the main zip and another set in the folder 'textures' inside the zip file. Are these identical?

Oh Jeeze! I must need a break ...

EDIT: I have corrected the textures upload to remove the extra set and correct the l_wing bmp.

RE: the aircraft, please just unzip to a temporary folder as suggested in the instructions.
Works great in FSX!

For those of you with Shockwave Redux here's a starter set of lights. Adjust if you don't like it.. I'll probably tweak it but there you are..

//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit
light.0 = 3, 0, -53.35, 2.7, fx_shockwave_navred
light.1 = 3, 0, 53.35, 2.7, fx_shockwave_navgre
light.2 = 3, -45.8, 0, 1.7, fx_shockwave_navwhi
light.3 = 2, -18.26, 0, 3.77, fx_shockwave_strobe_3
light.4 = 1, -31.00, 0, 7.49, fx_shockwave_beacon_rotating_red
light.5 = 4, 18.379, -1.78, 1.78, fx_vclight
light.6 =5, 6, -17.70, -1.00, fx_shockwave_landing_light_light
light.7 =5, 6, 17.70, -1.00, fx_shockwave_landing_light_light
light.8 =5, 3, -17.70, -1.00, fx_shockwave_landing_light_tail_old
light.9 =5, 3, 17.70, -1.00, fx_shockwave_landing_light_tail_old

Replace your radio section with this and you'll have two ADF's and you'll be able to change frequencies.

[Radios] // availiable, standby frequency, has glide slope
Audio.1 = 1
Com.1 = 1, 0
Com.2 = 1, 0
Nav.1 = 1, 0, 1
Nav.2 = 1, 0, 0
Adf.1 = 1
Adf.2 = 1
Transponder.1 = 1
Marker.1 = 1

This plane is going to get as much time in FSX as my company planes.

Excellent work to all involved!!

Additional info for anyone that wants to know..

Pretty good starting point for retardant if you want to replace the smoke system of your .cfg.

smoke.0 = -1.305, 0, -9.9, fx_fire_retardantsm

Pick whatever red retardant fx you have, and you'll start to see why the bomb doors are red.. lol


BTW, is there supposed to be an other repaint? The aircraft.cfg refers to texture.121.. I couldn't find the folder anywhere.. I used the installer because it was smaller.. I'll download the manual install later... Thanks

Thanks to all involved and especially for Timothy as he had the courage to start this project. You efforts are highly appreciated!

Love it. The dynamics sure as heck feel like a big plane. Only two beefs:

1. The animation of the side window opening seems to be messed up: instead of sliding back, it slides up and hangs in midair.

2. The 2D panel is a little sketchy. However, I have taken it upon myself to correct that. I cleaned up the window areas and got rid of the daylight leakage around the instruments. You can download the touched-up file here:


Unzip and drop the updated "Panel2D.bmp" into your panel folder, overwriting if asked and so on.

Anyway, fantastic! This'll become a fave in my hangar to be sure.
I had a quick look last night in P3D and I experienced the usual portover problem with the props. But as I have the WOP version I will try to use their props.
Glad you all are enjoying it so much! Special thanks to Milton and Nigel for their work. You guys need to post more pics! Id like to see what adventures she is getting in to haha!

Oh and as for the questions on the Tanker 121 paint, I had initially done 121 but when i remapped after adjusting the model it changed the texture layout. I will upload that paint when i get some time to fix it up right.
Thank you .. great aircraft

Something seems missing ....


Thank you .. great aircraft

Something seems missing ....



There are many things yet to be done, but if you have a point to make, please make it. I do not understand what you are getting at, and there are lots of knowns yet to be done.
Hi all,

the aircraft looks great. Just two things that I noticed: there seem to be some all black (0,0,0) pixels on the 2D windscreen, particularly on the left. And the gauge markings don't match engine performance - at full throttel I don't even get to the yellow arc. It was just a quick look and these things are really minor. Overall, the model is excellent.

I'll report back if I find something else.

Best regards,

one more thing - please look at the aileron trim tab animation. With a good twist of the trim whell, they're several yards off the wing.

Best regards,