PB4Y-2 Privateer WIP


This model, even in its current un-finished state, has real presence. Like Mc Donnell's Phantom its ugliness is its draw. From the low-squat on the tarmac to the outright outrageous front end, this aircraft exudes attitude like a well-worn dump truck.

Married to a very nice flight model, Nigel's sounds and such a good 3D model I am sure that those with the know will, in time, transform 'Tanker 123' into a classic.

Thanks to everyone who dragged her out for our appreciation and enjoyment.

Well said, mate... she does give one a sense of "attitude". I like that about the model. Her structural repulsiveness is matched only by her incredible ability to get the job done, and her persistant strength to "stay the course".

This model, even in its current un-finished state, has real presence. Like Mc Donnell's Phantom its ugliness is its draw. From the low-squat on the tarmac to the outright outrageous front end, this aircraft exudes attitude like a well-worn dump truck.

Married to a very nice flight model, Nigel's sounds and such a good 3D model I am sure that those with the know will, in time, transform 'Tanker 123' into a classic.

Thanks to everyone who dragged her out for our appreciation and enjoyment.


Mal, you have expressed my attraction to her well. I do love her "squat" and her distinctive "look" embellished with these photoreal textures to give the sense of old and tired yet reliably capable in her simplicity. Give me 4 big radials, a hand full of throttle and let's go flyin'. :wiggle:
Nice model as ugly as it is, but it is very nice in that it is an aircraft with an important purpose/mission. I suppose a "dump truck" is a good description for it, my first impression was a "flying warehouse with wings". But the mission purpose of fire fighting makes a very good reason to be attracted to the utility of it.

I had found in my FS9 Effects cache a long lasting red "fire retardant" that had come from one of the Bell Textron 212's from Hovercontrol that I aliased to the PB4Y which increased the usefulness of this strategic flying piece of equipment. However, that particular effect could stand to be more copious, but it's nice that it lays on the ground for a very long time so that you can easily observe the area swaths you had previously laid down, even after you have returned to base to reload several times.

Another thing I did was to add direct steering to the nose wheel which I felt greatly improved visual reality to this nice piece of aerial fire fighting equipment while observing taxying on the ground in spot view and in tower view mode.

To get that direct steering, change the first line of the [contact points] section, seventh digit input, which was 180 and changed it to 45 to get the direct steering.

Very nice forest fire fighting piece of equipment and not a bad cross country flier to use for delivering other things such as fire fighting supplies to other base setups around the country. Adding auto pilot navigation might would come in handy for some of those long trips.

The flying characteristics seem right on. The sound files are nice too but I might try my hand to get the exterior engine volumes up a little bit.
This model, even in its current un-finished state, has real presence. Like Mc Donnell's Phantom its ugliness is its draw. From the low-squat on the tarmac to the outright outrageous front end, this aircraft exudes attitude like a well-worn dump truck.

Married to a very nice flight model, Nigel's sounds and such a good 3D model I am sure that those with the know will, in time, transform 'Tanker 123' into a classic.

Thanks to everyone who dragged her out for our appreciation and enjoyment.


Best description I have heard of the 4Y!
Still working on 121. Didnt get much time today. Should have it out definitely by the weekend.

Decided to try my real flight vs sim flight and got it pretty close. Must say the real flight was a little more fun.

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Looks Great, Tanker Guy!:applause:

Thanks for the kind comments Nigel! My system isn't that great. I had to crank up all the setting just for that pic and was only getting about 8 -10 FPS.

Terry, I'm glad somebody got my screenname before I posted my avatar!
Still working on 121. Didnt get much time today. Should have it out definitely by the weekend.

Decided to try my real flight vs sim flight and got it pretty close. Must say the real flight was a little more fun.

Shes just about finished






The detail on 121 takes my breath away. I love the chipped and peeling paint! Great job on this workhorse.

I love that paint scheme, it kind of reminds me of the Hotbirds logo; those were the airplane equivalent of Hotwheels from around 1970.
I don't know if anyone else here is in the EAA, but if you look in the January issue of Sport Aviation, I think on page 12, there is an article on the Copperstate Fly-In. In the pic of the RV-10 you can see 121 in the background. I just thought that was kind of cool. :)