PC Pilot-Rise of Flight

Recommended technical requirements

Platform: PC
Processor: Core 2 Duo (Intel) 2.8 HGz
RAM : 3Gb
Hard disk: 6 Gb
Videocard: 512 Mb video RAM(GF9800 series or AMD ATI Radeon 4850 series)
Access to the Internet: At least 512 Kb/s
Operating system: Windows XP/Vista (Windows XP requirements can be a little bit less then listed above)
Support of 64-bit operating system is not guaranteed by developers

This info obtained from their website. Seems to be a pretty demanding game on first glance but the screenies are pretty amazeing as well.
As nice as it is it seems to fall short in the number of flyable's but hopefully that will change.
as i have stated over and over;There is room for all and i for one plan to enjoy both.



I just upgraded and barely make the requirements. Maybe a little shy in the memory department. Only got 2 gigs, but I'm running XP so I should be OK. The 8800GTX ought to handle the graphics.
Not only are they working in a "niche genre" but the system requirements alone are enough to turn a lot of people away who would otherwise be interested. From what I've learned, there are quite a few people who, at present, don't have the resources to buy or build a machine with those specs, however, those are the recommended specs. Hopefully the minimum specs are considerably lower, for their sake. I wish them the best and as I said before, both will make their way to my HD eventually.

Their website surely does not offer much information. Seems pretty much like vaporware to me...yet this magazine is going to devote a major section to it. Does not seem right, compared with P3 which is basically done (except THE DISTRIBUTION PART!!!!:banghead:).

I'd provide the media packet that was spoken of earlier to this magazine to see if they might cover P3 in a later issue.
What concerns me about 'Rise of Flight' is that on the face of it ,and going on the information put out by the producers is that, although looking very pretty(if you believe the screenshots,that is) The scope of the sim seems a bit limited. Apparently the R.F.C. and French aviators did not do enough to merit inclusion in WW1. I have to wonder why the 'Johnny come lately' American pilots deserved top billing. Is someone trying to rewrite history? It's been done before.
Daveebee wrote: Is someone trying to rewrite history? It's been done before.

Could be; there was a film with Harvey Keitel in an American submarine, and they got an ENIGMA decrypter into their hands and brought it to the Allies.
That was indeed a very important catch the Allies have made, but as far as I read, it was brought to Poland, and Polish people brought it to the British - no Americans involved.

On the site of RoF, I found steam trains and tanks, villages and chateaus, landscapes with beautiful rivers, and - ah, there are also some planes. You don't get much flying shown, so I think, they are far from being ready. I don't want to make them down at all - everything looks very beautiful - but when they don't offer the whole variety of planes, and you couldn't join all the conflicting parties, it will be very limited fun. And, seeing all the detail, I ask myself, how much "intelligence" remains for the AI to fly the planes? Must everyone get a new computer or graphic card?
Frankly, I'm not very impressed with it. Look at OFF, using the engine of CFS3 which is how old now? And how GOOD does it look after the developers really put time into it? Amazing in my opinion, and a super-duper 1200W monster PC isn't required to get to that point.

Now look at ROF. Considering the steep requirements, is THAT really the best they can come up with? I don't see really THAT much of a better graphical presentation, and there certainly doesn't seem to be the same level of content.

I'm all about more interest in World War I flight simulators, don't get me wrong competition is good. But as far as I'm concerned the new benchmark is the 'modification' we are awaiting in Phase 3. When you guys finally do get your own engine and can release your own standalone product, please, PLEASE, take as much time and attention to detail into that endeavor as you have with this project!
For you 64 bit OS users, if you notice, in the system requirements it clearly states that "Support of 64-bit operating system is not guaranteed by developers". That means that ya'll might miss out, unless of course you change your operating system.

R.O.F You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all the people all the time.
Im not sure I'll even bother getting ROF. Sure, eye candy is great, that's why I'll look at the screenshots. But, Im all about dynamic campaigns, and immersion into the life of a WW1 pilot. ROF looks like it might be too much of a "fixed mission/fixed storyline" for me.

I agree that the ROF graphics do not look all that impressive and that the scope might be narrow, though I did not pick up on the fact that the sim would just cover US-German confrontations in the air during World War I. That part I don't object to so much...I guess being one of those "Johnny Come Latelies" (albeit decisive "Johnny Come Latelies"), but I agree, it does not hold a candle to OFF P2, much less P3, from what can be gathered from the scanty website.
It would appear that ROF is making P3 look even better.:friday:
Unfortunately none of us, outside the developers, can speak authoritatively about P3 since none of us have actually played it with the exception of a very few individuals who have written online reviews.

These P3 reviews really need to get into gaming publications to make an impact; otherwise, it's just discussion among all of us who are interested and committed to the product already. Not sure if this is in the works...
From what I have read, the two flyable types available in the initial sim are the SPAD XIII (junk IMO) and the Fokker DVII. The DVII is great, but not my favorite. No Nieuports, no Sopwiths or SE5as (sorry Catch), no Albatros' (Albatri). Pfalz', or Halberstadts. If you want additional planes you will have to purchase them for around $5-$7 US. At that rate it will cost you $185-$259 US to have as many flyables as "Between Heaven and Hell". I said in a previous post that both OFF BHAH and RoF will make it to my HD eventually, but that all depends on how much RoF is going to cost initially. If it's as much as, or more than OFF BHAH (a great buy IMO), as pretty as it is, I will more than likely pass on it also.


I did notice that in the RoF feature list it seems that a small shot is taken at OFF with the statement "Modern graphics based on the own engine «Digital Nature»". Mayhap it was unintentional?
If ROF is a stand-alone, it may appeal to some, especially those who don't have CFS3. OFF P3 will be a no-brainer for me, I'll likely be waiting for reports on ROF to see if it will run on my old XP system.
I wasn't going to say anything initially, because I thought somebody would post my thoughts, but strangely nobody did.

The reason that RB2 was so well-played years after it should have expired was the immersion. It really got you into it, with all the planes, history and campaign - despite the fact that it was horribly hard to mod it was nevertheless modded up quite a bit. That says a lot.

Now here comes along ROF, with a pretty pretty environment; and with a dedicated and professional design team all they've managed to accomplish is a flight environment. But nothing to do in it. Despite the huge amount of work into the flight environment, that's not enough to be fun, or even interesting. 2 planes?! No campaign? No thanks.

It's not FSX.. FSX is basically just a base for addons -- a flight environment for developers to build on. It's a really smart idea to use an existing engine and concentrate on building content... you do this you get P3. You don't do this, you get years of development time just to get the base environment done. Possibly investors and also folks waiting for the final product will get fed up with you. It might become vaporware in the end, who knows?

So unless ROF can deliver the immersion I expect to experience with P3, at an affordable price and able to run on my hardware, I'll never bother with it.

Besides, OFF isn't done yet - probably by the time ROF has 39 flyables (if they make it that far) OFF will still be way ahead. I don't think development here is going to end soon.

For me, OFF is like RB3D on steroids. It is what Red Baron would have been had the technology been the same when it was made. All the points of dyanamic campaign and all the different planes OFF has available, makes it the choice for me. It's like getting a newer and better version of RB3D. Also with the cost of CFS3 and OFF, if you had to purchase both games to play it, you are still spending less than 100 dollars US to have a complete WWI experience.

As I'm not an online flyer, RoF is geared more towards the online crowd from what I've read. I won't decide until it is completed, and available for purchase. But with the simulators I've seen coming from easrtn Europe, they are more like Oleg's IL2 where they have scripted missions, and the AI isn't that challenging once you get used to the planes and the commands. Now they do look very nice as the elements of the game are rendered really well, but eye candy for me only goes so far. If eye candy was that important, RB3D would have not been on my rig for almost 10 years straight.

And lastly, if I have to spend money on the core of the game with two types to fly, and have to pay for each additional plane after that, at the projected cost per plane, I may just pass on it. What will be interesting is to see how moddable it is.
Okay, my 2 cents. I'm just getting into P2. You know what? I actually get excited when I come upon a "new" type of aircraft for the first time. I hate to shoot at it. I want to enjoy the vision of it. When flying in my squad I am admiring how fine my mates planes look in the air. That's P2! BHAH with all those many beautiful planes from the getgo... oh lordy! Hot dang, I want 'em! Get ROF if you want to and can afford to. Me, I got few dollars these days and my money goes to the "outfit" that got me up and flying at no cost.