Okay. Now that Ive decided to build my own, I wish I could change the name of the thread to "Rooster Needs Help". Anyway I've decided on an ABS Aplus ABS-CS-Monolith Black SECC Steel ATX Full Tower Computer Case.
CORSAIR CMPSU-650TX 650W ATX12V / EPS12V SLI Ready CrossFire Ready 80 PLUS Certified Active PFC Compatible with Core i7 PSU. I could use some suggestions for a reasonably priced Motherboard for OFF on high settings. Preferably an Intel. You were right Danny. Im doing most of my shopping on Newegg. Also if you have any feedback on the tower it would be appreciated. Reviews on Newegg say that I may need to install extra cooling fans?
Here's the link for the tower: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811215009
CORSAIR CMPSU-650TX 650W ATX12V / EPS12V SLI Ready CrossFire Ready 80 PLUS Certified Active PFC Compatible with Core i7 PSU. I could use some suggestions for a reasonably priced Motherboard for OFF on high settings. Preferably an Intel. You were right Danny. Im doing most of my shopping on Newegg. Also if you have any feedback on the tower it would be appreciated. Reviews on Newegg say that I may need to install extra cooling fans?
Here's the link for the tower: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811215009