Build you own, its not hard at all and you get 2x as much for the same money,
I would sub-jest making a budget, then decide where you want to spend your money. ie.. on looks or on power. If the case your computer is in now will hold the mother broad you plan on buying then use it and save $80-100 that you would have spent on a new gaming case. Thats another $100 you get to spend go-fast computer parts.
My thoughts on where to spend your budget money on building a gaming computer.
1) CPU---- buy the best,fastest, that you can afford. right now very few games use both sides of a dual core chip and none use the new Intel true Quad cores. With that said you can pick up Intel's Q-series chips on the cheap right now.
2) GPU---Buy the newest you can afford, with at least 512 ram onboard, this will be your biggest ticket item, unless you go with the newest of CPU
3) MB--- are cheap and you can find good combo deals with just about any CPU you want at Tigerdirect.com or Newegg.com
4) Ram--- Its so cheap right now, buy the fastest, and at least 4gig.
5) Power supply---Buy at least a 800w 4 rail. But a good rule is if you need 600w, have 200 more then you need.
Use your HD,DVD,CD drive out of computer you have now and thats another $200-$300, plus the $100 you save on using your old case that you can spend things you really need to make it go fast.
I would sub-jest making a budget, then decide where you want to spend your money. ie.. on looks or on power. If the case your computer is in now will hold the mother broad you plan on buying then use it and save $80-100 that you would have spent on a new gaming case. Thats another $100 you get to spend go-fast computer parts.
My thoughts on where to spend your budget money on building a gaming computer.
1) CPU---- buy the best,fastest, that you can afford. right now very few games use both sides of a dual core chip and none use the new Intel true Quad cores. With that said you can pick up Intel's Q-series chips on the cheap right now.
2) GPU---Buy the newest you can afford, with at least 512 ram onboard, this will be your biggest ticket item, unless you go with the newest of CPU
3) MB--- are cheap and you can find good combo deals with just about any CPU you want at Tigerdirect.com or Newegg.com
4) Ram--- Its so cheap right now, buy the fastest, and at least 4gig.
5) Power supply---Buy at least a 800w 4 rail. But a good rule is if you need 600w, have 200 more then you need.
Use your HD,DVD,CD drive out of computer you have now and thats another $200-$300, plus the $100 you save on using your old case that you can spend things you really need to make it go fast.