Phase 3 . . SOON . . . Phase 3



Originally it was meant to go under the Christmas Tree

But the Best Laid plans of Mice and Men, do sometimes go arye

The Developers are done writing, and testing

The Disc has been given to the Publishers, who should've released it yesterday

When it comes, it'll be here

So Check Here OFTEN :monkies:
Great!:applause: Jagdstaffel 7 with her black Fokkers Dr. I and VII waiting for me!
What's the matter, Gimpy - forgot to mix soda into your Scoch? Or do you seriously believe, that the very first DVD will go to you? :Banane35:
Henry - could you please put your TrackIR flying cap correct in public? Thank you. :caked:
Phase 3 DVD

If I didn't pre-order a Disk... How do I order one? Will it be available in stores or just through the website... or something else entirely?:jump:
Don't worry about the pre-order, it's not being utilized

Here or the Website

Sky writing is out, the Developers get airsick on P's :monkies:

Once we clear the hurdles with the publisher, we'll be posting the link on the website for all to order from. OFF will only be available via the OFF website.

We're not joking... it's very soon. I wish for us as well as you all that it was not this hard. But you won't be disappointed. :)

Well, it's nearly noon in Britain, where is it?

Can you tell I'm impatient?:banghead:
Now, just how much flak would somebody get by starting a little practical joke thread with subject:
"IT IS HERE...!!!" :applause:

Can you feel the love?
Its 14:00 in Berlin...... Arghhhhh Frustrating the anticipation is killing me!!! :faint::help:
I've been lurking for months (after dancing about like an excited schoolgirl when I first got hold of P2) and can't wait to see P3. Great work so far guys, I'm putting off going into town today in case I miss the release!
End of the workday in Britain already...guess we wait until tomorrow...maybe longer.

All we can do is wait...but it's hard.
Fifty dollars was the price originally mentioned. Don't know if they're holding to that, though.

I would imagine that there would be shipping on top of that; hopefully, there will be various options since distribution will originate in Britain from my understanding.
Now, just how much flak would somebody get by starting a little practical joke thread with subject:
"IT IS HERE...!!!"

Can you feel the love?

The Flak would be sooooooooooo thick you could walk across the channel on it!! :karate::pop4::ichile::gameoff::greenf::redfire::sniper::violent::tgun2::Banane36: :costumes:
I still think Phase 3 will be out sometime in 2009 ,and I'm sticking to it,unless someone knows different.
I've been very impressed with Phases I and II, and look forward to more! Thanks for all of your hard work! :ernae:
I can live with Phase 2.. It's more than good enough for the likes of me..:wiggle: I dont want Phase 3 until I come back from my skiing holiday.. I was always told its not good for you to have too many good things at once..:rollerskater: