Phase 3 . . SOON . . . Phase 3

Thank You Pol That is the answer i was looking for :) :ernae:
Sorry for asking. It appears as if I've offended. I am sorry.

Will continue waiting in silence.

I can imagine the frustration and the angst that many must have as we await the release if the must have game of 2009.
The Devs we will no doubt discover in time done us all proud.
Lets just give them the breathing space to do what they have to do.
Their 'baby' is out of their hands and in the hands of people for whom it is a just another commercial proposition not 'life and death' as it is for us simmers.
We can only begin to imagine their own frustrations and angst as they wait for these publishers to come good one something that they have nurtured cherished and sweated over for the past few year.
Lets just give them all
a) some space
b) our ever undying thanks
c) our admiration for what they have done with CFS 3
and lets not forget when this work of love does end up on screens to stop for a moment and inundate the Devs with pm's of thanks and gratitude. If its hard for us waiting it must be doubly hard for them as they are so close.
Maybe that's why a lot of the guys are getting their asses shot off here lately. They're trying to fly Phase 2 while thinking how good Phase 3 is going to be. Situational Awareness guys, that's the name of the game. Keep ya mind on that youz is doin'!

Finally coming out soon. Been waiting for a while now :woot:
I read the review also, and between that and all the movies it's killing me to wait for this! I just reinstalled CFS3, updated to 3.1a, found a "No-CD" patch so I don't have to use/wreck the old CD, and am waiting patiently for P3. I have P2 but don't want to install it just to have to do the whole thing over... tic toc tic toc.. :wiggle:
No CD Patch

I'd like that as well... Can it be downloaded. I have the 2 CD version of CFS3 and would like that patch... Thanks in advance.:gossip:
I thought you had to keep disc 1 of CFS3 in your drive. Could be wrong.
I read the review also, and between that and all the movies it's killing me to wait for this! I just reinstalled CFS3, updated to 3.1a, found a "No-CD" patch so I don't have to use/wreck the old CD, and am waiting patiently for P3. I have P2 but don't want to install it just to have to do the whole thing over... tic toc tic toc.. :wiggle:

I wouldn't let that little problem, stop you. Phase 2 installed neatly over my Phase 1. I seriously doubt the Zebra has changed his stripes. Besides you can do all of your little feats of magic, in control options, those won't be affected at all. I've reinstalled Phase 2 from scratch, 3 times, so I pretty much know where my 'cheats' go. Sometime After Phase 3 is out, and I have too many beers, I'll discuss the Dreaded Hang-on Bug. :wavey:
I thought you had to keep disc 1 of CFS3 in your drive. Could be wrong.

Technicaly it was disc 2 CFS3, but with advent of the various DVD's of CFS3 it would seem that Micky$oft has relaxed it's stance
It was Taboo to even speak of it, and I think that's still best.:kilroy:
I wouldn't let that little problem, stop you. Phase 2 installed neatly over my Phase 1. I seriously doubt the Zebra has changed his stripes. Besides you can do all of your little feats of magic, in control options, those won't be affected at all. I've reinstalled Phase 2 from scratch, 3 times, so I pretty much know where my 'cheats' go. Sometime After Phase 3 is out, and I have too many beers, I'll discuss the Dreaded Hang-on Bug. :wavey:

I'm pretty sure I read here somewhere that OFF P2 had to be removed before installing OFF P3, but I certainly may be wrong. As for not using the CFS3 CD, just Google "CFS3 No Cd" and go from there if you want. Personally I prefer having my (especially old games) CD's safely stored if possible...
The developers have made the comment on several occasions that OFF Phase 3 will install right over Phase 2, just like Phase 2 did over Phase 1.

Been looking forward to phase 3 for a while now! Can't wait!