wHY NO GAMES TONIGHT....HOLIDAY TOMORROW...:isadizzy::isadizzy:thanks for hosting
rockin games :ernae:
wHY NO GAMES TONIGHT....HOLIDAY TOMORROW...:isadizzy::isadizzy:thanks for hosting
rockin games :ernae:
My Pa joined the Winnipeg Rifles Bat., 2nd Canadian Rifle Division in early 1944 at age 17.During basic training he got caught being under age.Was then sent to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry Batalion for advanced training(Commando's) and by June 1945 was shipped out to Vancouver and then put on a ship destined for Hong Kong in July.This boat was also loaded with a Mechanised group, a Batalion of sappers and the PPCLI. August 4th they were close to Hong Kong when the order came to stand by.DO NOT LAND! So his troup ship floated around waiting,for what the men knew nothing of. Then the word got spread around that a big BOMB had flattened a Japanese city,still they stayed off shore. A week later,they heard another A-bomb had sacked another city and the Japs had surrendered.These guys never got to fire a shot in anger which pee'd off my father. All were so seasick from almost a month at sea in a crowded ship.Never ever made shore and were sent home for a total of six weeks at sea. God bless all the service men and women who gave the supreme sacrifice in the Service of their country.JUST WANTED TO SALUTE ALL VETERAN'S TODAY!!!
My Pa joined the Winnipeg Rifles Bat., 2nd Canadian Rifle Division in early 1944 at age 17.During basic training he got caught being under age.Was then sent to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry Batalion for advanced training(Commando's) and by June 1945 was shipped out to Vancouver and then put on a ship destined for Hong Kong in July.This boat was also loaded with a Mechanised group, a Batalion of sappers and the PPCLI. August 4th they were close to Hong Kong when the order came to stand by.DO NOT LAND! So his troup ship floated around waiting,for what the men knew nothing of. Then the word got spread around that a big BOMB had flattened a Japanese city,still they stayed off shore. A week later,they heard another A-bomb had sacked another city and the Japs had surrendered.These guys never got to fire a shot in anger which pee'd off my father. All were so seasick from almost a month at sea in a crowded ship.Never ever made shore and were sent home for a total of six weeks at sea. God bless all the service men and women who gave the supreme sacrifice in the Service of their country.Salute.
ps, my Dad is still with the living at age 82!
game on: skalski.game-host.org
Ammo=don't care
Feul=fill it if u need
Other things depend on you[/QUOTe
Hi Wladeck,
No can Connect M8. You don't appear to be connected to Internet. Try the Std. IP system again.
Bill T.
and: to day is célébration of the end of ww1
game on:
Ammo=don't care
Feul=fill it if u need
Other things depend on you
come on everybody and have some fun !!! ... Rock ’n’ Roll…
limited fuel
unlimited ammo
locarno ( switzerland )
:ernae: merci Baercome on everybody and have some fun !!! ... Rock ’n’ Roll…
limited fuel
unlimited ammo
locarno ( switzerl