~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Post CFS3 IP Games in here!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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this is an easy game,
no googaws to confuse you.
rookies welcome!
so gas up and load a few rounds and come on in!
:kilroy:OK, guys,

GameRanger Game off.

You need GameRanger, downloaded and installed from www.gameranger.com

Here's how it works:

1. Got to www.gameranger.com and ownload it right from the Home Page.

2. Install it on your computer.

3. Start the GameRanger, and in the upper right-hand corner will be two buttons, Host and Join. (Host will always be highlighted. Join will be highlighted if some one has GameRanger up.) Clicking on Host will give a choice of games on your machine to pick. Pick CFS3 from the pull-down menu, and then CFS3 will appear on the GameRanger list.

4. Click Start at the lower right-hand corner of the new screen will start CFS3. Now set up your game as a Host.

You only need to download and install GR once.

Do not start CFS3. The GameRanger will do it for you.

Do not type the GameRanger address into CFS3's Multiplayer IP address bar.

The normal fully-updated CFS3 still applies (3.1 and 3.1a Updates).

After installation, start the GameRanger and look for me in Grizzly's Den.

C'mon ya bastids! All welcome:d

Thanks to those who came and those who tried.
Ice christmas game

game off, thanks all
ho ho load unlimited
christmas bash
:kilroy:OK, guys,

GameRanger Game off.

You need GameRanger, downloaded and installed from www.gameranger.com

Here's how it works:

1. Got to www.gameranger.com and ownload it right from the Home Page.

2. Install it on your computer.

3. Start the GameRanger, and in the upper right-hand corner will be two buttons, Host and Join. (Host will always be highlighted. Join will be highlighted if some one has GameRanger up.) Clicking on Host will give a choice of games on your machine to pick. Pick CFS3 from the pull-down menu, and then CFS3 will appear on the GameRanger list.

4. Click Start at the lower right-hand corner of the new screen will start CFS3. Now set up your game as a Host.

You only need to download and install GR once.

Do not start CFS3. The GameRanger will do it for you.

Do not type the GameRanger address into CFS3's Multiplayer IP address bar.

The normal fully-updated CFS3 still applies (3.1 and 3.1a Updates).

After installation, start the GameRanger and look for me in Grizzly's Den.

C'mon ya bastids! All welcome:d

Thanks to those who came and those who tried.
very interesting. thx griz:applause:
Rufus Fell asleep at the stick. I'm going to be bombing his airfield just in case anyone wants to try and stop me before I, too, fall asleep. Let's see Minneapolis to Prince George should be about 20 minute flight...

sounds like rufus is asleep
game off
ice game , see previous post
game off
ho ho load unlimited
christmas bash
had fun, see yall next time, merry xmas
Hows your Xmas going ?

Hi Everyone,
Hope your Xmas activities are going well and it's fun time for all.

Like to say it's been a good year for on-line games ,contacts and fun,-----the down side being losing our friend DOS Ghost, Cole in such a tragic way.

Looking forward though, the evolvement of this combat flying because of you guys inputs,( in it's many forms ) is terrific and keeps old F***** s like me ,jyf,Fre,etc, on the edge and needing to crank up the pacemakers to catch the likes of ,Carnivore-Willy Spaten-BS3 ( Baaaaaaaaaaaa ) etc, etc, etc.----:costumes: Long may it continue.--:friday: Good to see a sprinkling of young folk having a go too, so nice to see them welcomed in to the game.

2009 looks like another good year, so looking fwd. to that and to Vulch as many kills as I can, Learn't it all from you guys,

So watch your 6 !!!! :wiggle::jump: :bs:

Bill T, :wavey:



Quack-Quack-- :icon_lol:


Hi Deer Hunter,
The minute You put up a game, -----the family here suddenly require jobs doing. ----:banghead: Can't make it at moment, but stick one up in an hour, should be more folks around then too--LOL--:wiggle:

Bill T.
:kilroy:OK, guys,

GameRanger Game on today @ 7:00 (GMT -5) PM EST-USA, 12-26-08:

C'mon ya bastids! All are very welcome!!!:d
Short Game.
-Nice france
-limited ammo
-no radar.
Game Off!!! Thank you all who joined!!
Merry Christmas everyone..
Gameranger GAME Off
TS zzzzzzzzzzz
TESTING -if you have PLZ try to join and let us know
Follow Grizz's instructions in prev post
Game oFF

8 players
:kilroy:OK, guys,

GameRanger Game off:

Grizzly's Den (enter at your own risk, the weather may a be a bit nasty)

You need GameRanger, downloaded and installed from www.gameranger.com

Here's how it works:
1. Go to www.gameranger.com and ownload it right from the Home Page.
2. Install it on your computer.
3. Start the GameRanger, and in the upper right-hand corner will be two buttons, Host and Join. (Host will always be highlighted. Join will be highlighted if some one has GameRanger up.) Clicking on Host will give a choice of games on your machine to pick. Pick CFS3 from the pull-down menu, and then CFS3 will appear on the GameRanger list.
4. Click Start at the lower right-hand corner of the new screen will start CFS3. Now set up your game as a Host.

Need to know:
1. You only need to download and install GR once.
2. Do not start CFS3. The GameRanger will do it for you.
3. Do not type the GameRanger address into CFS3's Multiplayer IP address bar.
4. The normal fully-updated CFS3 still applies (3.1 and 3.1a Updates).
5. After installation, start the GameRanger and look for me in Grizzly's Den.

C'mon ya bastids! All are very welcome!!!:d

Thanks for comin', guys!
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