~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Post CFS3 IP Games in here!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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:kilroy:OK, guys,

GameRanger Game on today @ 7:00 (GMT -5) PM EST-USA, 12-26-08:

Grizzly's Den (enter at your own risk, the weather may a be a bit nasty)

You need GameRanger, downloaded and installed from www.gameranger.com

Here's how it works:
1. Go to www.gameranger.com and ownload it right from the Home Page.
2. Install it on your computer.
3. Start the GameRanger, and in the upper right-hand corner will be two buttons, Host and Join. (Host will always be highlighted. Join will be highlighted if some one has GameRanger up.) Clicking on Host will give a choice of games on your machine to pick. Pick CFS3 from the pull-down menu, and then CFS3 will appear on the GameRanger list.
4. Click Start at the lower right-hand corner of the new screen will start CFS3. Now set up your game as a Host.

Need to know:
1. You only need to download and install GR once.
2. Do not start CFS3. The GameRanger will do it for you.
3. Do not type the GameRanger address into CFS3's Multiplayer IP address bar.
4. The normal fully-updated CFS3 still applies (3.1 and 3.1a Updates).
5. After installation, start the GameRanger and look for me in Grizzly's Den.

C'mon ya bastids! All are very welcome!!!:d
Thank you for hosting...fun game!
Game ranger looks like it may have possibilities. It's almost like having the old MS game zone back again.
It is starting to look good
especially for those who have trouble hosting games,
Dont think anyone has got any feed back from anyone
with Vista trying to host yet​
I think that Game Ranger will make online CFS3 gaming accessible to more people and help the online community get bigger. I for one will host/play games with IP and GR. It will draw more people to SOH that have never heard of SOH with new ideas/talants that will beneft us all. IMO:ernae:
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