how does one take a pic ,,,lol

Loverboy1, use the key combination Ctrl + ; (the :/; key, to the right of the letter "L" on your keyboard).
The screenshot should be in the appropriate CFS3 installation folder (Combat Flight Simulator 3.0, CFS3 ETO Expansion, etc) located in your My Documents folder. That's for XP, and I can't say if that's right for Vista.
Set your shot, hit "P" for Pause.
Ctrl + Shift + L turns the Labels on/off.
Ctrl + Shift + I (the letter "I" on your keyboard) turns the Targeting Indicator on/off.
I (the letter "I") toggles the Cone on/off.
Shift + D turns the Word Display (the words that tell you if you hit someone, are hit by someone, or if something has been destroyed) on the top middle of your screen on/off.
Shift + T toggles the TAC Screen (radar) on/off.
F5 toggles the HUD on/off.
Z toggles the Flight Information (words in red at upper left-hand corner of the screen) on/off.
Usefull Views:
F3 puts you inside the cockpit.
F4 cycles Virtual Cockpit View, Spot View, Chase View, and Player/Target View.
When in Player/Target View, pressing Ctrl + Shift + F4 gives Target/Player View, from the point of view of the target. Player/Target View still reads as "Player/Target View" on your screen, though.
Shift + F6 toggles Float View on/off.
Shift + F9 toggles Flyby View on/off.
The two keys "[" and "]" Zoom out/in.
Using the nine number keys on your Number Pad will rotate, elevate, and depress the angle in Spot View and Chase View.
Sorry, can't do anything about the white words on the screen, other than by photo-cropping, as far as I know.
Experiment a bit. Good luck and have fun.:d