Post your new CFS3 ETO Exp. 1.20/FP USAAF HB 2eto Screenshots here.

ETO BoB Campaign

A couple of shots from a BoB Campaign in the ETO 1.20..:wavey:. The shot up Spit1a is an AI from my flight. Some ETO 110c's bounced us....Dover gives the frame rate a hit but there is plenty to enjoy flying past the White Cliffs on the way home from a successful campaign mission to deal with a convoy in the Channel.
Yeah, I wuz wudrin' how you wuz stayin' "aloft" :engel016:wit' enuf perforations to strain tonight's pasta!!:p:

...Hey, Daiwilletti!... this is the 1st I've seen of ya since I reappeared meself! How ya doin', kid?!

(Ain't that radar sumpin else?:trophy::trophy::trophy::trophy:)
Hi FS,

when you download the ETO there is a second download that you use in conjunction with Firepower. basically you copy the FP B24 to your ETO and then the patch makes a whole heap of standalones of it, applies ETO weapons and effects etc.

and installs all the missions into the correct ERA. theres a detailed readme file included that explains what to do. takes about 5 minutes. But you need to have a copy of Firepower 1.08 to use this.


regards Rob.
Thanks, Bob. Somehow I missed that part of the download. I did this for PTO to activate the FP bombers and now look forward to more action in ETO.
Little guy nearly becomes baddass... in the little MS-406, as I'm besting what we thought was the last of the BF-110C's... Cripes, they were some nasty customers, with that blasted deadly accurate bloke in the rear cockpit firing a 7.7mm....
Yes, it was bad enough to have let my charge(a Potez 63.11) get shot down and her crew very likely killed-
...only to discover we had been followed home by yet another 110! I was just taxi-ing to park when it was off again(!) to finish up what I fear was, at best a bad job anyways...
Never can get enuf 'a Winjeel's Beau-sled...

Here I am night-flying, targeting anti-shipping in one of the Army Aircorps' Beaufighters... What a delight to fly! They're quiet, fast and with four 20mm cannons, pack an incredible PUNCH... That German shipping never knew what hit it!!
The Chain Home Radar towers and buildings were courtesy of Mark Rude.

They actually stretch round the west coast as well but here the facilities are not historically accurate as both the design of the towers and the buildings were different relying more on dispersion than on physical hardening.
Yeah, I wuz wudrin' how you wuz stayin' "aloft" :engel016:wit' enuf perforations to strain tonight's pasta!!:p:

...Hey, Daiwilletti!... this is the 1st I've seen of ya since I reappeared meself! How ya doin', kid?!

(Ain't that radar sumpin else?:trophy::trophy::trophy::trophy:)

Hiya Pops thanks for your comments :wavey:,

yes I did think of pasta meself when looking at the poor old Mk1a. I'm kind of distracted with real life demands at the moment, so I only pop in from time to time.

But ETO 1.20 is such a BLAST that I'm loving the little time I have..:gameon:

Love your screenies, Pops!