PRB - Golden Age - Lockheed L9

Next leg: OPKC --> VIJO, with a test of the REX2 weather engine.
First observation: Enabling REX2 for "real time weather" sets FSX's weather selector to "user defined weather", which causes duenna's weather light to "go yellow", indicating real wx is not set, which is, strictly speaking, true. Proceeding on.
REX2 Weather Update: It's been about an hour, and I just got a green message on the screen saying REX was loading weather, then the weather changed, slightly. I think this confirms that REX2 does indeed update the weather periodically. I wonder if there is a way to change the interval, from what appears to be 1 hour, to something else...
Made it to VIJO. This was a fun flight, because VIJO has no NAV aids, and is in the absolute middle of nowhere, so there was no coastline shapes to help locate it, although there is a big city. REX2 seems to work ok as a source of "real weather", but we have to get special authorization, because duenna doesn't recognize it.
Off to VIAG. Ok wait, the ICAO code for Agra is VIAG? That's a joke, right?
REX2 seems to work ok as a source of "real weather", but we have to get special authorization, because duenna doesn't recognize it.
Don't forget PRB, Active Sky X and Active Sky Advanced don't give you a green Duenna either in FSX.
Don't forget PRB, Active Sky X and Active Sky Advanced don't give you a green Duenna either in FSX.

Ok, thanks. I didn't know that. It does make prettier clouds to look at during the flight! Very nice.
Enough partying in Calcutta. Time to kick the fires and light the tires. VECC --> VYSW.
Rangoon (VYYYYY) in the log book. This Lockeed 9 is a sweet ship. I like it more each leg!
better hurry up PRB, got a tiger of a tailwind coming outta Bangkok. Bring your umbrella and surfboard, stay clear of the ceiling because your gonna get tossed around and WET.
Thanks, MD. I've got a decent tail wind going on now, at 10,000 feet. Got tossed around pretty good climbing up here, but it's smooth at the moment.