Prepar3d V2 Screenshots

What a cool paint scheme Johan. What model is that? Love the teeth. These babies would definitely bit one in the you know what from the six.

It is the Mig-21MF by Ivan Jurcaga. I got the paint from Zsolt, so I cannot share it with you guys without his permission.

But if you download the model, look for the updates as well. Especially the one for the flight model.

I merged the Manfred Jahn KC-97 with the VC of the A2A B377, added some worn military style textures and some repaints by JKB. Here's the result!



The wind was in the west today, so I figured it would be a good time to test Bounty with ASN realtime weather and at the same time visit Denmark's eastern outpost in the Baltic Sea, the island of Bornholm.

It was good sail management practice running into the harbor at Roenne! In the end I managed to park her pretty well, without damaging ship or pier.


The view from the helm while sailing is magnificent, moving waves and shadows from the rigging - P3D is a pretty good sailing sim! :)