Project Emily

This is Looking great Matt thanks a lot I am genuinely lost of words mate. Its been 3 Days and the Progress is just amazing I'm trying atm to get the locations of the sites worked out (Its a little difficult looking up 20 decommissioned stations & fitting it all in around work and a bout of mannaz infulenza atm but I'm getting there.)

Also does anybody know what station signs looked like around that time was there a generic format?


Another interesting Factoid for you all:

As opposed to wheeling the Thor from its hanger during readiness practice the hanger itself was situated on runners and slid off the Missile before the launchpad was erected...

first time I've ever heard of a hanger coming out of an aircraft!!!:icon_lol:

RAF Harrington Station sign...
Speaking of interesting factoids, here is one I was chatting with Matt about last night.

My ex-father in law was on Thors, mainly at Hemswell, but he was actually at Ludford Magna on the day of that incident; he'd been one of the earliest to train, and really knew his stuff, so spotted the fact that the LOX taps were open - needless to say, when he tried to bring it to the attention of the ruperts he was ignored (he was a WO, having turned down commissions several times during his 38 years service). So he quickly excused himself, and went to organise transport back to Hemswell; apparently that much LOX venting can be heard from a very, very long distance, as can the sound of RAF personnel running hard to get away from it.
Its a little difficult looking up 20 decommissioned stations

If you need info on ---

Ludford Magna
Full Sutton
North Luffenham

Just give us a shout,
looking great guys :icon29: cheers ian
bit more work done now..... just adding a bit more detail to bring it to life that little bit more.... (things like the ironwork on the Hangar and Hangar Door Section, which will also get the doors, in 2 flavours... open and closed.......) oh and ignore the 'floating' hut etc... it'll be at ground level once i'm done...
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Thanks, Matt, for pursuing this as you are - will really help with the atmosphere in a Cold War-era flight sim! As was mentioned in another thread, just gotta get rid of the nuclear power stations and wind turbines from the config file to really make it look good.:salute:
no need to thank me... just doing what i can... i even have a little 'Easter Egg' planned for one of the Sites... but my lips are sealed on that one :kilroy:
ok looking at the site the LOX and RP1 tanks were down slight pits, i have 2 options here, semi submerge the items, or mount them above ground... the latter to me seems best at the moment... am just rebuilding the Hangar main section at the moment... :salute: but do have the 'Theodolite Shelter' done, well... minus roof hatch anyway
Nice work Matt, looking forward to the finished product. I had never seen the configuration of the Thor launch base before. The moving hanger concept looked familiar, then I realized that Gerry Anderson used it for the 'ZERO-X' hanger in the movie "Thunderbirds are Go", and yes I have the movie on DVD!
Nice work Matt, looking forward to the finished product. I had never seen the configuration of the Thor launch base before. The moving hanger concept looked familiar, then I realized that Gerry Anderson used it for the 'ZERO-X' hanger in the movie "Thunderbirds are Go", and yes I have the movie on DVD!

thanks, yeah the moving hangar concept is a good one, it gave crews cover to work on the missile (there were folding down platforms inside the hangar) while it was still in the TEL (Transport-Erector Launcher), basically the hangar slid back, the TEL hinged and moved the missile into the upright position and into the holding clamps on the Launch Pad, from there the hinging section would fold down and be driven away (Hence why front hangar door goes sideways, gives driver ability to get in and out) from there the LOX and RP1 pipes would be connected and the missile 'put ready' and fuelling started... Taget data would be confirmed via the sighting systems (from the Theodolyte shed if i recall), the site would be 'Buttoned up' and made clear for launch when the codes came...

i've just made the steps, i'm keeping it low poly (as there were 60 pads total and i don't want to kill all your (and mine) PC's) so they're 'basic representation' as are the holding clamps, theres no LOX or RP1 nozzles added (again to save polys) and i'm just about to add the shower and fuel tanks... major headaches are still to come though in the form of the SRT platform, various service equipment and my biggest headache... some simple piping!
Lookin' good Mat!

Your leg of the British nuclear triad is coming along nicely. With the Victor Force already in the skies, I'll now need to look for a Resolution Class SSNB to sail around the Empire!
thanks pal, yeah slowly building it up... still got trailers and a fair few bits left to make to make it so we can have a site buttoned up, one with the hangar back, missile horizontal and final one all set with missile in vertical position....
Hi All

Sorry It's been a while but I've only just got broadband in the new place and sorted work out so now I should have time to complete some of my unfinished projects. I've been trying to get hold of Matt to see if he's still got the project Emily files so we can hopefully put it out there to all you nice folks. Anybody heard from him of late?

Well since he got a new computer he's been converted to the X forum.
Doesn't visit our old folks refuge in here as much.
