Project Emily

not strictly true... i'm still about, just my time is somewhat hard to assign between my Aviation Profile Artistry, Repaint requests from the dark side and other projects it's not leaving me much time sadly :(

i still have all my resources (Site plans, hangar specs etc...), just not the models, but they won't be too hard to rebuild and remap and texture, just that i can't really place them as FS2004 is not currently installed on my new rig... so if we have someone to do the ground work i can model the parts then they can just be assembled in position in sim.... i'm still go for the project if y'all want me to rebuild the buildings... will get FS9 re-installed later today (nearly 1am currently!)
that would be awesome Matt I could have a word with Ian about placing them he helped me with placement for the RNAS pack so I'll PM him later and see what he says glad to see your still around mate

not around as much as i like but i'm collecting extra resources now... things like the Theodolite shed...

if i can figure out custom ground polys then i can likely do it all (just bought IS3).... will have a play around later, see what i can come up with....
so i've spent the day restarting things....

You did all that in a day?! Outstanding mate I'f you think you can cover it all great if not no worries I'll PM Ian for placement I need to figure out how to place these Photo ground textures I did it once for Yeovilton but I'm bu****d if I can remember how or what program i used

ok.... pulled an all nighter tweaking things.... next job..... Finishing the TEL (Transport/Erector/Launcher) platform, including connecting the PGM-17 itself to the tower with a few LOX and RP pipes, the base supports and Hydraulic pipes so it can be placed either in the erect or stowed position and other bits before making things like the lights, maint platforms, 'hangar' ironwork out front, hangar rails... can't tell i'm planning to really do it justice :D

Fantastic mate i really dont know what else to say I'm having fun planning a few easter eggs around one of the sites need to do a bit more homework first though but top effort though Matt cant thank you enough.

I need to figure out how to place these Photo ground textures I did it once for Yeovilton but I'm bu****d if I can remember how or what program i used

If i remember rightly, was'nt it FSSC, im hopeless at photo backgrounds and that was the only proggie that work'd for me...
cheers ian
i think i've figured a foolproof way..... create it as a scenery item, centre it on the aircraft, go into MCX and use the ground poly wizard using the position of the aircraft as the centre for the LAT/LON... should allow me to do it right... but the rest of the airfield could be tricky, the other alternative is to just do a standard airport and have the pads as scenery items, downside is the aircraft shadows, ground scenery shadows etc... wouldn't show on the concrete pad 'base' it's a choice... i mean i can texture bake the pad to bring some depth in so it just might be a case of what's what and what we can live with/without...
So ur saying if we have the whole thing as a single object shadows wont show but if we use the base as a poly and place the objects seperately it will? just trying to see if i understand correctly though im inclinded to say which ever is easiest for you Matt im open to suggestions though i think texture baking maybe a viable option given the choice id like to go the ground poly route just to give it a more realistic feel with shadows if ive got the wrong end of stick tell me

nice to see you Ian sorry ive nt PM'd you about thi s yet ive been at work

basically shadows from scenery items only show on the ground when the ground is a surface... so a landclass poly, waterclass poly etc... now if you put a, say, 500m long by 200m long rectangle scenery object then your aircrafts shadow will not be seen on it UNLESS there is a harden or airfield atop it if i recall....
I'm tempted to say bake it and we'll see how it looks its hard for me to say for sure which way we should go without seeing how either would look in sim if we have an example of each to test we can get an idea but if its too much work then just stick with the easiest option from your side mate
