<snip>...I do need to look at the other volumes to find which ones contain the variants without the avionics hump...I like the sleek look of the non-humpers)...<snip>
If you are going to add Razbam planes to your hangar, now is the time to do it.
A-4 (I have Ito's, but I only manage to land it about once outta every four tries and even then, I hafta change my shorts. I've always wondered if it's Ito's FDE, so this is my chance to find out. I'm inclined toward vol.2) ...... H52
Did anybody else get one? What, praytell, is Radzamb?
(and i please ask the moderators to edit the email address),
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Ron C. Zambrano M
Strike Fighters is a jet combat sim, set in the 60s. It has had a number of forms over the years...but has always been a well thought out and very intense combat sim. I have an older version called Wings Over Vietnam...never did really learn all the ins and outs of it....should install it and see if it runs under Win 7 64-bit.