Sales For Anything FSX

Free: ALL P3D Aircraft of Sim Skunk Works

Sim Skunk Works and simMarket fire up on this first day of September : ALL Prepar3D aircraft of the developers group are now freeware.

Yes, you can get all of them at no cost : you just need a FREE customer account, login, and add to your basket without payment needed at checkout.

Go now to and enjoy their F-84 F Thunderstream, PA200 Tornado, Lockhhed Martin/Aeritalia F-104S, Lockheed Martin FRF-104G, Fiat/Aeritalia G91 A/R/PAN, or even the Mc Donnel Douglas AV8B II Harrier. THey are all comptible with P3D5.
Carenado's End Of Year Sale

Carenado's End Of Year Sale - Save 50% to 70% Off ALL Carenado Aircraft

At the usual places: PCAviator, Justflight, Store
60% Off Sale all GAS products

Black Friday sale at started 11/11 - 11/31. Other Vendors will be doing the same SimMarket starts 11/21 - 11/28 also 60% off.
Captain Sim has it's pre Christmas 24 hour sale on now .... everything $9.99 :applause:

Currently just under 21 hrs to go.

Also Flysimware has its sale, currently 40-50% off, but I don't know for how long. Just got their email this afternoon.

Captain Sim has it's pre Christmas 24 hour sale on now .... everything $9.99 :applause:

Currently just under 21 hrs to go.

Also Flysimware has its sale, currently 40-50% off, but I don't know for how long. Just got their email this afternoon.


WOW! What a generous offer from Captain Sim!

I couldn't resist the C-130 All in One package, and the good old 707.

Tip: The FSX-SE page only features the Boeing 757 models, but the FSX section has all AC to purchase.
These downloads work perfectly in FSX-SE.

Thanks for the HU Pete.

Kind Regards, Stuart.
Does anybody know if their B 707 is FSX native and would work in P3Dv4? If so, it could be a must buy for me, especially because of the Sentry...
Got it all last year for P3Dv4 at least
Just kills me no 707 or 727 conversions after all this time