SC Designs F5E just released

Big fun to fly. Started with J-3044 repaint. First try. WIP. One of the current grey ones of Swiss Air Force. Thanks to Dean - no more trouble wich stencils and rivets. Great for repainters. Waiting for repaintkit.

J-3044 by Thomas Roehl, auf Flickr

J-3044_1 by Thomas Roehl, auf Flickr

There is a paint kit on their discord, though it didn't seem any easier to use than modifying an existing livery to me (apart from being a PNG original).
I know it's the Easter holidays but I had hoped that we would have seen more F-5 repaint activity by now.
I received an email from Just Flight stating that revision 1.0.1 was available. In a Facebook post, Dean said the layered paint kit was included in the update. I have downloaded the update but haven't installed it yet.
Downloaded and installed. Weird errors about v1.0.2 already being installed during the installation.

There is a paintkit in there!


Same install glitch with version number, just ignore it - guess the original manifest.json was wrong?

Rudder mostly fixed...still feels a bit weird but in right direction at least.

Flaps fixed - positions/indicator and animations all good now.

Some cockpit issues fixed, radar mode knob still wrong but tooltips OK, range knob still wrong, no tooltip.
UHF knob relabelled Nav - not strictly correct but works, has imaginary HS label

Strangely they've bound the drag chute to the airbrakes - land with airbrakes out and the chute pops immediately, shouldn't be deployed until 100 KTs.
Drag chute lever now inop.
Not happy with that mapping...suggested making nosewheel on the ground the trigger rather than the mains - that should be OK I think.
Same install glitch with version number, just ignore it - guess the original manifest.json was wrong?

Rudder mostly fixed...still feels a bit weird but in right direction at least.

Flaps fixed - positions/indicator and animations all good now.

Some cockpit issues fixed, radar mode knob still wrong but tooltips OK, range knob still wrong, no tooltip.
UHF knob relabelled Nav - not strictly correct but works, has imaginary HS label

Strangely they've bound the drag chute to the airbrakes - land with airbrakes out and the chute pops immediately, shouldn't be deployed until 100 KTs.
Drag chute lever now inop.
Not happy with that mapping...suggested making nosewheel on the ground the trigger rather than the mains - that should be OK I think.

It flies better, but I don't understand the binding of the chute to the airbrakes. Not happy with that! Apart from that it is a great improvement.

It flies better, but I don't understand the binding of the chute to the airbrakes. Not happy with that! Apart from that it is a great improvement.


It was to provide braking for the chute. By attaching to the spoiler, we were able to create secondary braking on the ground that is higher than that in the air, resulting in parachute "drag". Works quite well but as Keith mentioned, we need to refine it a little to make it better and more natural, and then bind the Parachute handle back to it.

Likewise, oleo extension has been deactivated for now, until I can create a more stable and realistic way of doing it. It might have caused some of the stability problems in the flight model when on the ground. It'll get sorted soon, once I've come up with a new way of making it work.
Don't get me wrong I was already very pleased with the first version and I enloy flying this one. Over all I think it's the best F5 on the market.


It was to provide braking for the chute. By attaching to the spoiler, we were able to create secondary braking on the ground that is higher than that in the air, resulting in parachute "drag". Works quite well but as Keith mentioned, we need to refine it a little to make it better and more natural, and then bind the Parachute handle back to it.

Likewise, oleo extension has been deactivated for now, until I can create a more stable and realistic way of doing it. It might have caused some of the stability problems in the flight model when on the ground. It'll get sorted soon, once I've come up with a new way of making it work.

Dean, since you are reading these posts again, and we are talking about small errors. The AOA indexer colors are wrong. The donut should be green and not yellow. The down arrows that indicate being too slow should be red, as you are gonna die. Finaly, the bottom (up Arrows) which indicate too fast are generally yellow.

I know this is minor. Still, it is details like this, which should have been caught by your beta pilots, that feed the trolls.
Same install glitch with version number, just ignore it - guess the original manifest.json was wrong?

Rudder mostly fixed...still feels a bit weird but in right direction at least.

Flaps fixed - positions/indicator and animations all good now.

Some cockpit issues fixed, radar mode knob still wrong but tooltips OK, range knob still wrong, no tooltip.
UHF knob relabelled Nav - not strictly correct but works, has imaginary HS label

Strangely they've bound the drag chute to the airbrakes - land with airbrakes out and the chute pops immediately, shouldn't be deployed until 100 KTs.
Drag chute lever now inop.
Not happy with that mapping...suggested making nosewheel on the ground the trigger rather than the mains - that should be OK I think.

Got the update yesterday and generally agree. Several instruments do not have all the functional buttons,(G-meter reset, Airspeed marker, standby ADI cage). HSI bearing pointer still not working, I did notice the function selector knobs (gray) on the UHF are upside down. I'm chalking the fuel flow to a MSFS engine issue.
Dean, since you are reading these posts again, and we are talking about small errors. The AOA indexer colors are wrong. The donut should be green and not yellow. The down arrows that indicate being too slow should be red, as you are gonna die. Finaly, the bottom (up Arrows) which indicate too fast are generally yellow.

I know this is minor. Still, it is details like this, which should have been caught by your beta pilots, that feed the trolls.

Thanks John, all noted.

My appearance here is temporary, I do have a compulsion to assist owners of my products so it's hard not to log in and reply sometimes. I have found that a life devoid of most social media is a much happier place :)