I post here with great reluctance, simply to say that I intervened on the MSFS forums because I believe it was an SoH member, Denny, who posted a perfectly cheerful launch post about our F-5E Tiger on the MSFS forums and was promptly attacked by several of the usual suspects, called a liar, etc etc. I was e-mailed about it, and decided to defend him. I can say with 100% certainty that I have been much happier since I stepped away from all social media channels other than my own. Being able to enforce members to be polite, to not be passive-aggressive, and to respect each other has produced a community where it's clearly understood that poor behaviour and endless arguments don't happen, and those that try to conduct themselves in such a way find themselves banned. In total, I have around 15,000 followers on Discord, Facebook and YouTube, a list that is regularly pruned of non-active members where possible. It
IS possible.
I like the way that Mike Tyson put it:
"The Internet has made people too comfortable with insulting others and not being punched in the face for it."
Everybody has different opinions, preferences, desires, hopes and experience. Only on the Internet can expressing those become a never-ending "debate" about what should and should not be. SoH was one of the places where this seemed to happen less than others, at least in the past. A quick glance at the MSFS forums or AVSIM shows how bad it gets elsewhere.
I have learned that less is more. I don't get into toxic debates any more. I don't have to. I've become so successful that I am now about to retire, at just 51 years old. There's a big world out there and I'd like to see it before I start creaking too loudly

Don't waste your time on such things as endless Internet debates that always become more corrosive with time. Use this space to share your hobby, and if you must debate somebody, I recommend the Stoic Method. Before debating, you must explain to your opposite number's satisfaction their argument, and they must do the same for yours. Only when you already understand your opposite's position, are you in a place to reach a compromise.
All the best, DC