Also surprised at all the negativity - this release has flying characteristics closer to a real T-38/F5 than anything I've experienced in any MSFS variant, including the T38 myself and several others here helped Milviz make quite a while back. There are certainly a number of visual issues, functional switch problems, and the before-mentioned rudder roll oddity, but overall I haven't had this much fun with a sim aircraft in quite a while! Spent some time beating up the pattern with it in a spectacularly sloppy, if workable fashion.
Which, in my opinion, is the reason most developers have left. I remember when we had scores of developers here contributing to the threads. I have also noticed, if my survey of one is correct, the absence of many onetime regulars.
As I look around in MS2020’s forum, most of the threads are about new releases or pending releases, usually WWII and earlier era aircraft. Now there is nothing wrong with those threads. The original purpose of the forum was older warbirds. However, we once had a much more dynamic and vibrant forum. Sadly, I don’t see that anymore.
Maybe, what I see is a natural progression. I have been a member of this forum for over a decade and a half. In all that time, I have never seen a lower number of people posting. I am afraid SOS is dying. I don’t want to see it die. It has too much history. I have made a lot of internet friends on SOH. Again, most are no longer here.
As for the F-5E. It was based on the T-38. I assume it flies a lot like the T-38. If I recall correctly, the T-38’s roll rate was like 720 degrees a second. I remember how it would bang your head against the canopy if you weren’t the PIC and he didn’t warn you before rolling. I don’t think MSFS can truly simulate a fighter type aircraft.
Dean, from DC Designs, doesn’t even claim to fully represent his fighters. He has stated over and over that he builds fun to fly aircraft, not study level, DCS realism. To expect the F-5 to be any different is like expecting your house cat to be a tiger.
One legitimate criticism, in my opinion, are the scarcity of working items like heading and course knobs. I don’t own the aircraft yet, so I can’t test the knobs. (Besides, I use cockpit controls to simulate course and heading controls, so I don’t worry about them, so long as I can find a sim event or LVAR to set them.) Still, I think the basic functions should be there.
I will give Dean credit for fixing many early release bugs on his other models. I admire him for going back and updating, upgrading his models, I fully expect he will do the same for the F-5E.