Screenshots (FS2024)

Interesting new P-40N Variant. The enemy wouldn't know they were about to be shot at until it was too late. :)

I actually own both of these through the MSMP, but the L-4 doesn't show in the aircraft selection menu.

A more troubling discovery while tinker with the P-40s is that I own both the MSMP neutered Inibuilds P-40F and the armed Inibuilds P-40F through Simmarket. I bought the MSMP version by mistake. In 2020, I could uninstall the MSMP version so that I could fly the Simmarket version. It doesn't look like there is a way to get the MSMP version out of the way. I did try installing the armed version through Simmarket, but it doesn't show up. As far as I can tell, there isn't an option to uninstall/disable stuff that you buy through the MSMP. That's is probably also goingto be problematic for some of the airport sceneries that I bought when better version came along.

Just reading elsewhere that this inability to delete/disable the streamed stuff is a known problem and causing headache.

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A little trip down to Buenos Aires, this sim is amazing when all is pumping out loud. Saw Geese and cattle. No moving trains as yet, but I have them in North America from FS Trains for MSFS 2020, pretty immersive. But what is immersive about MSFS 2024 are the land textures. Simply amazing. I still am waiting for a Developers Kit and instructions on how to use it. As usual, much is missing from my home airport, Danville (VA) Regional Airport (KDAN).


I've spent the evening putting a few hours on the two different variants of the Grumman Albatross, and I'm so thoroughly impressive. Great flight dynamics, great sounds, great visuals, systems, animations, etc. Every door and hatch imaginable can be opened. You can walk throughout the entire fuselage, including into the nose, with two entirely different interiors between the civil and military variants. Among so many functioning aspects, the superchargers work (low gear and high gear), which has already come in handy for me when flying it at high elevations. The only thing I'd like to figure out is adding a copilot and passengers - I did so via the EFB, but they wouldn't display in the sim.

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I've spent the evening putting a few hours on the two different variants of the Grumman Albatross, and I'm so thoroughly impressive. Great flight dynamics, great sounds, great visuals, systems, animations, etc. Every door and hatch imaginable can be opened. You can walk throughout the entire fuselage, including into the nose, with two entirely different interiors between the civil and military variants. Among so many functioning aspects, the superchargers work (low gear and high gear), which has already come in handy for me when flying it at high elevations. The only thing I'd like to figure out is adding a copilot and passengers - I did so via the EFB, but they wouldn't display in the sim.
This has turned out to be my favorite airplane in the new sim, so far. My only knock is the clear "thimble" nose (vs. the much more typical black on 98% of Albatrosses, and ALL military variants [as far as I know]). AvAngel loves it too, and I was lucky enough to see the Lotus Sims CEO post on her You I reached out and have asked for a black nose variant (would love to have the SHU-16 bulbous nose too as a variant....but that is likely a bridge too far, I am thinking), and a we can start getting military variants. Want a treat? Take her up to Kodiak Alaska and shoot take offs and landings...beautiful.

Bandwidth is the only thing that matters. If you do not have it, do not purchase this sim. I have it, but I have to wait on it, even though my modem says I am pulling in 976 Mbps! Had two good flights at Smith Mountain Lake this morning and this afternoon. Getting a steady 45 FPS fully loaded, but it depends a lot on the time of day as to the bandwidth.


View attachment 158319View attachment 158320View attachment 158321
Hmm my 50-75mbps might not be up to the job then....
Thank you, Jim!

Here are a few randoms from various flights. I've already been getting great enjoyment out of the fact that one can assign different controller profiles/key bindings to each individual aircraft, and therefore when re-configuring my Honeycomb Bravo for whichever aircraft type I fly, I don't have to do any changes in the sim whenever I change aircraft/controller configurations.

I always enjoyed flying the Cessna 152 in '2020, and the flight behavior is a step above in '2024. Also, on takeoff and landing you can feel the tires actually sticking to the runway with the better ground friction (on all aircraft).

The elevation detail seen in this example is present everywhere I've flown.

The mirror reflections have received a substantial upgrade too. BTW, if you fly the Carenado Waco in MSFS 2024, be sure to check the CG placement and elevator trim before flight - by default, the CG is too far forward, and the elevator trim is set full nose down, but with quick adjustment, it flies perfectly.
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Here are some more shots of the Waco, and once again from the surprisingly detailed default Stanton Airport in Minnesota (which even has trash bins waiting to get picked up out next to the road).

Some cool things I've spotted in the sim thus-far - sheep, cows, horses, moose and bears (all in expected places), way more road traffic (when set to max), random cars sometimes pulled over/parked on sides of roads, and the ability through ATC to announce to an uncontrolled airport that you're flying over the airport.

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The C-46 actually did pretty well today. used it back & forth between 2020 & 2024. The only issue it had was not being able to get it to use fuel from any of the left tanks. Even tried the trick of toggling the cross-feed levers, but no go.

From 2024.

One huge difference was the cockpit textures and colors were much better in 2024 then 2020. The top image below is 2024. Both on final into Tulum. It's nice they built a new airport there. :cool:
