Screenshots Needed for new ETO-PTO Website


Charter Member
:kilroy:To all,

We are cordially requesting good screenshots from ETO and PTO afficianados, to be used on our new website.

Translation: Hey, all you ETO and PTO knuckle-bustin', thumb-bendin' simmers, we need your best screenies to put on our new website.

We need both online and offline shots, from team dogfights, furballs, and missions, in all types of weather, day and night.

Here is a list of what we are looking for:

By nation, then by aircraft type, such as bomber, fighter, transport, observation, etc.

We need close-ups of vehicles by nation, with good good titles on each.

We don't need then by nation, but we need to include some good night shots, especially with plenty of flak and tracer effects.

We would need to include flares, explosions, searchlights, etc. Shoot the works.

We need all kinds of weather shots.

We would like to see as many shots as possible done with the highest resolution possible, with all sliders maxed out, if possible.

We would prefer both night and day vids, and if possible, actual on-line games, missions preferably, but dogfighting can't be ignored, with TS recordings, if possible.

All screenshots should be as clean as possible, preferably with little or no text, targeting indicators (cone and brackets), HUD, Z-key info, etc.

Anyone and everyone providing us with screenies that we use will be fully credited. All others will also be credited.

Anyone interested in providing us with screenshots should PM me here for my e-mail address so that you can send them to me.

Thank you,
I would love to commit to making your website Griz but I would not have the time to do so unfortunately at this current stage, all I can do is to keep offering you webspace for your team to upload to and offering the download via the download section at OZx and of course with each new release I will build the little download helper so to speak, all those things remain unchanged :) :):icon29:
If I'am not mistaken, Grizly ask us to post good looking screenies here. (I don't have PTO installed myself, so I can't help you with that).

I remember a lot of screenies in the past. Isn't there some-one who has one or more screenies form the past?

Or perhaps some-one can fire-up his PTO and make some!

I would love to commit to making your website Griz but I would not have the time to do so unfortunately at this current stage, all I can do is to keep offering you webspace for your team to upload to and offering the download via the download section at OZx and of course with each new release I will build the little download helper so to speak, all those things remain unchanged :) :):icon29:

Good Morning Jay,

Jay, thanks for all you do. We have someone who will be building the page for us and will be back in touch on coordination of Domain name and IP.

Best Regards,

If I'am not mistaken, Grizly ask us to post good looking screenies here. (I don't have PTO installed myself, so I can't help you with that).

I remember a lot of screenies in the past. Isn't there some-one who has one or more screenies form the past?

Or perhaps some-one can fire-up his PTO and make some!


:kilroy:RemcoC, the full current line of PTO_Solomons is now available here:, alongside of CFS3 ETO Expansion.

(Note: Please copy and paste this link into your web browser instead of running it from here.)

I am merely requesting screenshots from ETO and PTO to be used on the upcoming Solomons/ETO website. We are planning on having a page dedicated to screenshots and videos.

Anyone having good screenshots should contact me here at SOH by PM, and I will PM them my e-mail addy so they can send me the pics.

Please read my post above for further details.

I hope that this clarifies things a little bit.:d
For the newer guys

To all,

Here is the procedure.

It gets easier with practice.

To take a screenshot, press Ctrl + ; (colon/semicolon key).

The screenshot you take will be found in:

in XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\User Name (Your Name)\My Documents. Look for the CFS3 ETO Expansion, or the CFS3 PTO Solomon Islands folder, while in My Documents.

In Vista:
C:\Users\\Documents. Again, look for the CFS3 ETO Expansion, or the CFS3 PTO Solomon Islands folder wjhile in Documents.

Necessary Keystrokes:

P: Pauses/unpauses the sim.

T: Cycles through TAC categories, All, Aircraft,Vehicles, etc.

Tab: Cycles through enemies on present TAC screen category.

F3: Put you inside (VC)/outside(HUD) the cockpit.

F4: Cycles through Spot View, Chase View, Target/Player View, and Virtual Cockpit View.

Ctrl + Shift + F4: Only when in Player/Target View, toggles Target/Payer View (still reads as Player/Target View onscreen). Doing it again while in Target/Player View sets it back to Player/Target View.

F5: Toggles HUD on/off.

F6: Puts player back in the pilot's seat from other stations.

F7: Bombsight View.

F8: Cycles through Gunners' stations.

F9: Bomb/Rocket View, F4 returns.

Shift + F6: Gives Float View, F4 returns.

Shift + F9: Gives Flyby View, F4 returns.

Shift + D: Toggles text (down the middle top of the screen) on/off.

Shift + T: Toggles TAC Screen on/off.

Z: Toggles flight info on/off.

Ctrl + Shift + L: Toggles ID labels on/ off.

Ctrl + Shift + I (letter "I"): Toggles targeting indicators (cone and bracket) on/off.

I (letter "I"): Toggles cone (when targeting indicators are on) on/off.

[: Zoom out.

]: Zoom in.

~/` Key (above Tab): Padlock View.

The Number Pad Keys (on the right side of your keyboard) rotate the View (num lock must be on): 2 & 8 rotate the View up/down, 4 & 6 rotate the View right/left, and 1, 3, 7, & 9 rotate the View diagonally. 5 does nothing.

The Hat Switch snaps around when Scroll Lock is off, pans when Scroll Lock is on.

Looks complicated, but it's easy when you get used to it.

Here's how to take screen shots:

1. Figure the shot you want to take.

2. Make sure that your WEP and brakes are off, so that the words do not show on the screen. Note: There is nothing you can do about the white words that may appear naming the View that you have just switched to. They only last a few seconds when not paused. They will stay as long as pause is off. So, don't worry about them, as they can be cropped out later.

2. When you've got the shot you want lined up, press P, for pause.

3. All of the Keystrokes above work when the sim is paused. Use the above Keystrokes to clear the screen of the unwanted items, choose the View you want, Zoom in/out, and rotate the View the way you want it.

4. When you're ready, simply press Ctrl + ; to snap the pic. It will be found in the folder that is named near the top of this document.

5. When you have taken the pic, make sure to turn everything back on again before unpausing and flying around to get the next shot. Note: You can take several different shots from one setup just by changing Views, rotating, zooming in/out, etc

Practice, practice, practice. It gets better.
:kilroy:Talon, you know full well that's what we're looking for. LOL

BTW, really nice skin on that Devastator.:d
Showa L2D3 Tabby


MAG-25 R4D1 Skytrain
